This is not about communism vs. capitalism. It is about Heroes who laid their lives so you can live your life the way you do.
Had it not been for USSR in WW2, you would be typing your ignorant posts in German, and enjoying none of the capitalist ways of life (NAZI party would not let you).
nah, maybe the Europeans, but not us in the USA. I certainly do recognize the sacrifices that the SOviets made, and their part was, I'd say, certainly the most integral in the European theater.
however, I simply point out that the day you ascribe to victory by honoring your commie comrades, is the day that hundreds of millions of innocent civilians and nations fell under the dark shroud of occupation and were forced into Soviet tyranny for 5 decades as their families were deported, property and lives stolen, and independent thought was made a crime. The war was fought over their homes, they had no bone in the battle, and yet stood only to lose everything.
It is a day of mourning for many, many people.
but, in fact, life under German occupation for those during the war, was SUBSTANTIALLY better than that under Soviet occupation, also during war time.
German nationalism allowed for a "serviceable" amount of private ownership. You are ass-backwards, my friend.