hanging when fsb adjusted to 333MHz


Junior Member
Dec 31, 2007
Newbie here. I have a Q6600 G0 revision, ASUS P5N-E SLI mobo and crucial ballstix memory http://www.newegg.com/Product/...x?Item=N82E16820146565
I have been slowly bumping up my fsb using multiplier of 9 and using auto voltages on everything and for some reason i cannot achieve 3GHz using fsb 333MHz and fsb: dram is 1:1. does this have anything to do with my memory setup? it appears this ram can handle 2.2V but im not sure...do i need to take it off auto and up the voltage? should i take the timings off auto?? I forgot to mention, the timings are on auto and cpuz is reporting 4-5-5-15...is that a weird timing? also it has a command rate of 1T, should this be 2T?


Golden Member
Dec 14, 2007
Since you have 800MHz ram, and your running 1:1, your ram is only running at 667MHz, so your ram is not the problem (dont worry about 1T 2T). Leaving voltages on auto isnt what the OC guide suggests, is it (as you are the last to comment on it, im hoping you read it, and that comment isnt a 2x post)? Your ram should be good at 1.9V at 667MHz. Find out your CPU's VID w/ CoreTemp and manually set your Vcore to that, find your max OC w/ your VID, then start bumping the voltages as necessary. You shouldnt need to worry about bumping Vnb for awhile, though I cant say for sure as I don't know your mobo.
Oh yeah, maybe your cpu cant achieve 3GHz on stock/auto voltage... maybe it can only achieve 2.8... or 2.9... or 2.754GHz on stock/auto. Every cpu is diff. But a consensus (or at least something i've read quite a bit) is that for a core2 chip, everything over like 3/3.2Ghz is not needed (for gameing).


Junior Member
Dec 31, 2007
mobo is asus p5n-e sli
so i should set my ram to 1.9V?
my vid on coretemp is 1.2875V, should i set my vcore to 1.2875V?
right now im using vcore 1.25V, fsb is 322MHz, multi 9X, fsb: dram is 1:1
are my ram timings ok?

and yes i red the guide twice so far and i could have sworn it said to leave voltages on auto until i get it stable. i cant even get past post though.