$199.99 Neo
$ .32 Plastic Ruler
$200.31 + tax
- 40.00 off of 200 orders coupon
$160.31 + tax
Your choice of three Modules from Visor with Neo Purchase: Tiger Woods Golf, CompactFlash Adaptor, or Merriam-Webster Dictionary will be sent to you after mail-in rebate is received by Visor.
otoh Walmart has Visor Deluxe for @$105 shipped (slower processor)
$ .32 Plastic Ruler
$200.31 + tax
- 40.00 off of 200 orders coupon
$160.31 + tax
Your choice of three Modules from Visor with Neo Purchase: Tiger Woods Golf, CompactFlash Adaptor, or Merriam-Webster Dictionary will be sent to you after mail-in rebate is received by Visor.
otoh Walmart has Visor Deluxe for @$105 shipped (slower processor)