Hands up for Sony to be the one on the entertainment front...


Senior member
Apr 23, 2001
I gotta admit that those folks at Sony are genuises. They invent Cell chip for Playstation brand, which is now gonna be a revolution on the hardware market. Dvd was popular because PS2 embraced it in the past...Now, PS3 is the pioneer for Blu-ray. Look how PS3 has ended the HD war. Bravo again for Sony, thank you for your invention...What is your opinion?

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Anandtech Senior Moderator
Red Dawn

Rio Rebel

Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I hope for my sake that we don't get to experience a world where Sony's "benevolence" is exclusive.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
LOL! You think the PS2 lead the DVD?



That's like saying Pioneer lead the laser-disc!



May 24, 2004
The PS2 was the worst dvd player on the market. By a wide margin. And had absolutely nothing to contribute to the success of dvd.

The PS3 on the other hand is by far the best high definition movie player of either format.


Dec 14, 2001
Originally posted by: cubby1223
The PS2 was the worst dvd player on the market. By a wide margin. And had absolutely nothing to contribute to the success of dvd.

The PS3 on the other hand is by far the best high definition movie player of either format.

i wouldn't say ps2 had absolutely nothing to contribute to the success of dvds. for alot of people, especially outside usa, it is their first dvd player. asia region was still in vcd-era.

i had an even worst stand alone player (my first) that wouldn't play dvd-r. the cheaper apex that i got after that was built like a tank.

it probably speed up the dominance of dvds world wide.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
Warner was obviously bought off by Sony like the cheap little corporate hoes they are. First they promised to support both formats, then they blatantly back stabbed loyal HD consumers of their movies after secret and shady behind the scenes negotiations with Sony to drop HD.

I got news for Warner and Sony and the other corporate hoes out there who are trying to manipulate the market to their favor at consumers expense. I have an TOSHIBA HD player, NOT a Blu-ray player. It will upconvert my SD DVDs nicely, without Sony's greedy meddling interference what so ever. I am NOT going to buy or use a Blu-ray player, unless one magically drops out of the sky into my home theater complete with the Blu-ray versions of the 700 or so SD movies I already own for free.

If you as a deluded consumer you think you are the winner for buying a Sony product, think again. You are buying an attempt at market dominance which will drive prices higher on players and Blu-ray media, not lower. Warner knows this, and rather than sell a product for less, they would much rather have consumers buy essentially the same thing for more money.

If Sony is allowed to win the format war, you will not see prices drop. That is not in Sony's best interest, or the interest of the companies lining up to milk you, like Disney. So bend over and get ready for the big shaft you Sony fan boys have been waiting for. Because we are all going to pay dearly for it a year or 2 from now.

I will not buy another Sony product, and have stood by this for many years now, for various reasons. This is just another nail in Sony's coffin, from my perspective. And it also reaffirms my belief that there really is a sucker born every minute, and he most likely has a PS3 he bought primarily as a Blu-ray player, and never plays a game on. :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:


Dec 14, 2001
what are you talking about? dvd price sure drop with no competition. you don't have to buy a sony player you know.

so what if warner was bought off? same with paramount with hd-dvd. it's just business. and there are reports that blu-rays has been outselling hd-dvd even with the lower price of hd-dvds. this was a no-brainer for warner.


Senior member
Apr 23, 2001
That's pretty harsh for a comment, but I understand your upsetting about the HD format war (there are pretty much many comments as of yours spreading all over the internet). However, this is not about the format war. It is about the Sony playstation has driven the entertaning business to a point where we are seeing the completion of uniting in one direction. I think it is more beneficial for consumers, instead; and, by consumers choice, I mean at Sony marketing and buying attach rate of PS3. If Sony has ever gone backdoor with Warner, so what? Toshiba and MS also did in the past with Paramount, but the stake was cheap as well. How about $150 mil vs. $400+ mil (if that ever be true), and Toshiba and MS miserably failed and a big one. Actually, Paramount did not annouced anymore HD-DVD titles for CES, if you know where to find the news (hint: Hi-Def Digest). It is casualties of war. Well, if there is one uniting format, the price will defenitely goes down as many will be able to go along with it. Now, the Cell chip is another revolutionzing piece of hardware since the first Intel chip was release. Nowaday, most computer chips used the same basic core that has been used before. But, the Cell chip has been touting as many times as powerful as a current quad core. Most software-based and hardware-based companies know that if they embrace the Cell revolution the market will become chaotic. However, with the recent Toshiba announcing of acquiring of one of Sony Cell manufacturing plant and using Cell for the future technologies, it would be safe to say that Playstation has been a leader in entertaining front. If you are not agreeing or misunderstanding my point, none taken.


Dec 14, 2001
if someone has to take the blame for HD-dvd's fall, I'd pin it on Toshiba. they had the advantage and they blew it.


May 24, 2004
Originally posted by: SlickSnake
Warner was obviously bought off by Sony like the cheap little corporate hoes they are. First they promised to support both formats, then they blatantly back stabbed loyal HD consumers of their movies after secret and shady behind the scenes negotiations with Sony to drop HD.

I got news for Warner and Sony and the other corporate hoes out there who are trying to manipulate the market to their favor at consumers expense. I have an TOSHIBA HD player, NOT a Blu-ray player. It will upconvert my SD DVDs nicely, without Sony's greedy meddling interference what so ever. I am NOT going to buy or use a Blu-ray player, unless one magically drops out of the sky into my home theater complete with the Blu-ray versions of the 700 or so SD movies I already own for free.

If you as a deluded consumer you think you are the winner for buying a Sony product, think again. You are buying an attempt at market dominance which will drive prices higher on players and Blu-ray media, not lower. Warner knows this, and rather than sell a product for less, they would much rather have consumers buy essentially the same thing for more money.

If Sony is allowed to win the format war, you will not see prices drop. That is not in Sony's best interest, or the interest of the companies lining up to milk you, like Disney. So bend over and get ready for the big shaft you Sony fan boys have been waiting for. Because we are all going to pay dearly for it a year or 2 from now.

I will not buy another Sony product, and have stood by this for many years now, for various reasons. This is just another nail in Sony's coffin, from my perspective. And it also reaffirms my belief that there really is a sucker born every minute, and he most likely has a PS3 he bought primarily as a Blu-ray player, and never plays a game on. :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Posting this in all the threads, are we? I admire your devotion to the "Sony is evil" theory, despite numerous glaring flaws in your rationale. Bravo! :wine:


Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
Originally posted by: cubby1223
Originally posted by: SlickSnake
Warner was obviously bought off by Sony like the cheap little corporate hoes they are. First they promised to support both formats, then they blatantly back stabbed loyal HD consumers of their movies after secret and shady behind the scenes negotiations with Sony to drop HD.

I got news for Warner and Sony and the other corporate hoes out there who are trying to manipulate the market to their favor at consumers expense. I have an TOSHIBA HD player, NOT a Blu-ray player. It will upconvert my SD DVDs nicely, without Sony's greedy meddling interference what so ever. I am NOT going to buy or use a Blu-ray player, unless one magically drops out of the sky into my home theater complete with the Blu-ray versions of the 700 or so SD movies I already own for free.

If you as a deluded consumer you think you are the winner for buying a Sony product, think again. You are buying an attempt at market dominance which will drive prices higher on players and Blu-ray media, not lower. Warner knows this, and rather than sell a product for less, they would much rather have consumers buy essentially the same thing for more money.

If Sony is allowed to win the format war, you will not see prices drop. That is not in Sony's best interest, or the interest of the companies lining up to milk you, like Disney. So bend over and get ready for the big shaft you Sony fan boys have been waiting for. Because we are all going to pay dearly for it a year or 2 from now.

I will not buy another Sony product, and have stood by this for many years now, for various reasons. This is just another nail in Sony's coffin, from my perspective. And it also reaffirms my belief that there really is a sucker born every minute, and he most likely has a PS3 he bought primarily as a Blu-ray player, and never plays a game on. :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Posting this in all the threads, are we? I admire your devotion to the "Sony is evil" theory, despite numerous glaring flaws in your rationale. Bravo! :wine:

Yawn. Go play your PS3 already. Oh yea, you bought it for Blu-Ray. I almost forgot. :brokenheart:
Mar 10, 2005
Originally posted by: petez
I gotta admit that those folks at Sony are genuises. They invent Cell chip for Playstation brand, which is now gonna be a revolution on the hardware market. Dvd was popular because PS2 embraced it in the past...Now, PS3 is the pioneer for Blu-ray. Look how PS3 has ended the HD war. Bravo again for Sony, thank you for your invention...What is your opinion?

my opinion is this:

if i took a huge dump, put the sony logo on it and handed it to you, you would smile and forever praise it's superior peanut technology. NOW WITH CORN!!!


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: petez
I gotta admit that those folks at Sony are genuises. They invent Cell chip for Playstation brand, which is now gonna be a revolution on the hardware market. Dvd was popular because PS2 embraced it in the past...Now, PS3 is the pioneer for Blu-ray. Look how PS3 has ended the HD war. Bravo again for Sony, thank you for your invention...What is your opinion?

-Cell was a money pit that's a lot more marketing than substance. They could have made due with a multicore CPU setup on PS3 like the Xbox360 and saved a half a billion.

-PS2 didn't make DVD mainstream, it simply helped DVD adoption early on. Ironically, many PS2 lasers died from watching DVD's on the system, especially the first revisions of the PS2.

-PS3 does seem to be the perfect trojan horse for BluRay, especially since HD has outsold Blu about 2:1 on hardware (1+ million units of HD-DVD players vs ~500,000 units of BluRay players), yet BluRay has 60-70% of software sales to date (thanks in no small part to the 5+ million PS3's out there).

Also the HD war is far from over. It's just getting interesting...


Golden Member
Mar 29, 2006
Sony is a bunch of genius's, they have never had any bad decisions ever..

except maybe the Battery fiasco last year

or the insanely slow selling PS3 on its introduction (Penny arcades response to an exec saying he would personally give 1K for every PS3 sitting on a shelf was priceless) topped with the inability to lower prices of PS3's with PS2 compatibility so they just removed it, despite touting it heavily at launch. Then they crippled game counts for PS3 further by not giving developers a good inexpensive SDK that actually made them capable of producing PS3 titles in a timely manner (only now are companies even catching up, and the 360/Wii are still much easier to develop on)

or being first to preinstall spyware and DRM garbage on their laptops, then placing the same DRM on some of their music CD's, causing them to automatically make computers open to certain security breaches in the name of DRM when someone used a computer to playback the music.

or maybe the MP3 player that they introduced that couldn't play .mp3 files (ATRAC FTW!!)

how about the introduction of the UMD format for expensive low quality movies that couldn't be played on TVs using their original playback devices (yes the new PSP has TV out.. 2 years later)

and the introduction of the mini-disc format was another long lived technology

and in this Blu-Ray HD-DVD war we cant forget Betamax was all them.

Admittedly Sony has had quite a few successes that definitely helped spur the industry over the years, but until they learn to play nice with their competition instead of just deciding they want to do something regardless of trends I will continue to dislike them. Also, admittedly their TV's are nice, but they are overpriced, as is virtually every thing they sell.