That's pretty harsh for a comment, but I understand your upsetting about the HD format war (there are pretty much many comments as of yours spreading all over the internet). However, this is not about the format war. It is about the Sony playstation has driven the entertaning business to a point where we are seeing the completion of uniting in one direction. I think it is more beneficial for consumers, instead; and, by consumers choice, I mean at Sony marketing and buying attach rate of PS3. If Sony has ever gone backdoor with Warner, so what? Toshiba and MS also did in the past with Paramount, but the stake was cheap as well. How about $150 mil vs. $400+ mil (if that ever be true), and Toshiba and MS miserably failed and a big one. Actually, Paramount did not annouced anymore HD-DVD titles for CES, if you know where to find the news (hint: Hi-Def Digest). It is casualties of war. Well, if there is one uniting format, the price will defenitely goes down as many will be able to go along with it. Now, the Cell chip is another revolutionzing piece of hardware since the first Intel chip was release. Nowaday, most computer chips used the same basic core that has been used before. But, the Cell chip has been touting as many times as powerful as a current quad core. Most software-based and hardware-based companies know that if they embrace the Cell revolution the market will become chaotic. However, with the recent Toshiba announcing of acquiring of one of Sony Cell manufacturing plant and using Cell for the future technologies, it would be safe to say that Playstation has been a leader in entertaining front. If you are not agreeing or misunderstanding my point, none taken.