hahahahaa...my Grandfather is crazy


Jun 19, 2003
Alright, so my grandfather is 77ish, still an active carpenter (just finished his drywalling his living room), gets around better than some sixty-somethings, etc.

Well, I guess he heard the neighbor blasting the song Savin' Me by Nickelback out of his truck while the neighbor was doing some work in his garage.

Either way, I walk into the house and he is there, doing some drywall sanding, blasting Nickelback out of his boombox. It was the song Animals. He was like, "yeah, they are a pretty good band, they are called Nickelback...have you ever heard of them?" Me: ".....uh.....yeah, I have heard of them a few times." Him: "Wow, they just have such good straight-up rock & roll, it reminds me of how I used to feel when the latest Bob Seger album would come out."

OMG, I LOVE my grandfather, he *always* keeps me guessing.

I didn't have the heart to tell him that I don't really care for Nickelback. (Other than the song Animals.)


Jan 3, 2001
That is pretty cool :) My Grandma used to watch MTV all the time (when it didn't suck and actually played videos). She was a big Def Leppard fan heheh.

I don't mind Nickleback at all. They do play honest rock. Not a drum machine or a "my baby's daddy" lyric to be found there. They get a :thumbsup: from me.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2003
You know, that is the ONE good thing that I can say about Nickelback. It's that if my dad gets in one of his "moods" and wants to listen to some "hard rocking and rollin" in his awkward foreign way, I can oblige him with Nickelback. There aren't many whining lyrics and you won't even find a trace of pants bought in the section between "men's" and "ladies'" at value city.

On a sidenote, just because it's in the void doesn't mean buying something that tightly hugs your legs and is made of brown corduroy gives even the chance of masculinity.