Hackintosh Question


Golden Member
May 8, 2005
So I tried installing it the other day, and I followed all the instructions. After it installed, it came to the start up screen and after about 30 seconds it gave me a little no smoking sign, without the cigarette of course.

I am assuming it didn't like a piece of hardware, but I am not sure how to figure it out. Is there a screen is the mac os that allows you to see what's loading like linux has?



Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Boot with "-v" at the prompt. Some questions:

Have you run memtest and passed 100%?
Do you have the minimum BIOS required?
Are ALL the BIOS settings configured correctly?
Are you running it with bare minimum hardware, no extras that might screw it up?


Golden Member
May 8, 2005
Yes to questions 1 and 4, not sure to questions 2 and 3. I didn't read anything about BIOS in the help guides. The BIOS settings are set at stock except for the fact that I am allowing the system to see USB devices. And my ram voltage needed to be changed to 2.1V cause they won't run at anything less.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
I've seen that happen when you try to boot a system from the Chameleon bootloader without all the drivers installed properly.

See if it boots from the boot-132 disk and hard drive. (Bypassing the installed bootloader). If so, you should consider re-installing the kexts and/or Chameleon. If not, it may be that something got hosed during an update- IE: from stock to 10.5.7. Sometimes people force quit out of the update while it's still installing in the BG, or before it does a *complete* double reboot, and spoil the update.

This is exactly the type of thing it helps to have a backup install of OSX to deal with, or rather, not have to deal with.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Originally posted by: swanysto
Yes to questions 1 and 4, not sure to questions 2 and 3. I didn't read anything about BIOS in the help guides. The BIOS settings are set at stock except for the fact that I am allowing the system to see USB devices. And my ram voltage needed to be changed to 2.1V cause they won't run at anything less.

Use these BIOS settings and report back:


You need the F8 BIOS at minimum (it will tell you in POST what version you're running).


Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2003
Interestingly enough i just tried to boot into my hack. And got the same sign. But didnt have ahci enabled. Now i can boot, though i never HAD to have this on before...


Golden Member
May 8, 2005
I will try this stuff when I get home from work and let you guys know what happens.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Originally posted by: KeypoX
Interestingly enough i just tried to boot into my hack. And got the same sign. But didnt have ahci enabled. Now i can boot, though i never HAD to have this on before...

You don't HAVE to have AHCI enabled, it's just better. Just make sure you've got the PIIXATA kext for SATA Native (IDE) mode for OS X.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
If I turn AHCI off on my DQ6 board then try to boot, it'll crap out every time just like the OP. Ditto my, DS4, P35-DS3L and the same with the UD3P systems I've built. Try it and see.


Golden Member
May 8, 2005
It is a big no go on those BIOS. I changed them exactly like it said, and it would just keep restarting. I even set the BIOS back to default and tried putting them in again, with no OC or anything else, and same thing happened.

I tried the -v command with my normal BIOS settings and I am not exactly sure how to read what is going on, but here are some of the things that looked fishy:

Filesystem read only.
Firewire couldnt find security, going to full-secure.
unable to mount /dev/disk0s5 code 0x00000047.
physwaitforautonegotiation TIMEOUT



Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Definitely a disk controller issue. That's a common error where the system is unable to access the installed drive due to a lack of correct driver, or improper format.. Usually it is related to AHCI. You're positive AHCI is enabled in both places in the BIOS? (Also, if the BIOS wasn't set properly when you first did the install, that could well be the problem. Try reinstalling with the correct BIOS settings.)

Also, when you formatted the disk and installed OSX, did you use GUID?

It'd help if you provided a lot more detail- IE: what exact stage in the install you were at, if it was booting from the hard drive before and this just happened, or if you were never able to boot from the hard drive, if you're able to boot from the Boot-132 disk, etc. Otherwise, all anyone can do is guess.


Golden Member
May 8, 2005
ok guys, sorry for the long downtime. Basically, I just don't think it will work on my hardware. It is not liking something. I have spent the past few days running as many scenarios as possible.

1. Wiped everything clean, hooked up only the stuff I needed.
2. Burned a new disk, the first one passed the verification, but I was just doing it to ease the mind. Second one also verified.
3. I set the BIOS just like the link provided, before the installation.
4. I tried all the different Mac partitions available. (i.e journaling etc.)
5. Tried a different HD.

After I changed the BIOS before the installation, everything went pretty smooth as far as the installation is concerned. Once the installation was over, it asked me to reboot, I did. Then the Mac apple came up and I got excited (but only the first 26 times). Then I got a black box that told me I needed to restart(in about five languages). I thought, "no problem, one more restart and I am set". I thought wrong. No matter how many times I restarted, that darn box kept coming. Every installation I tried ended with the same result.

I tried the -v approach. The first installation paused on the firewire. Something about security. The rest of the installations stalled immediately after that. I think it said "still looking". I can't remember.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
This is using Kaido's Boot-132 kit for the UD3P, and a legit Retail OSX install DVD, right?

If so, it must be some kind of hardware issue, because the UD3P isn't a hard board to get working.