Also, Lord Vader was nowhere near Hoth. So, meh.
Never shown choking a random trooper but he was shown on hoth.
A Renegade squadron member was choked by Vader.
During ESB?
All it showed vader doing in hoth was walking in the base to watch the falcon escape.
to this day I think the AT-ATs are the dumbest idea in any science fiction movie, other than Jar Jar.
Let's make huge walkers that are damn slow and are easy to spot and can be heard from miles around. Oh don't forget to put in an big weak spot so they can be destroyed easily.
With all the hovering vehicles in Star Wars, anything with legs or wheels is just kind of stupid.
the ATAT never made it that close while troops were still operating the defences.
The troops that challenge Solo & co were foot soldiers (as seen in the film).
Also, Lord Vader was nowhere near Hoth. So, meh.
Remember what AT-AT stands for.
The hover vehicles had many limits on height and weather conditions not to mention generally were more expensive I believe.
All Terrain armored transport, all terrain really??? How is that thing going to climb mountains or cross lakes or large rivers.
Plus they show all types of hovering vehicles and vehicles flying through the atmosphere in the Star Wars universe.
More expensive?? If they can afford a fleet of star destroyers and and a couple of death stars and can afford to blow up planets, they can afford a hovering cruiser that can carry troops into battle.
Most effective form of birth control I have ever seen.
the wired article on the battle of hoth was good, but the top rated comment is the greatest thing i've ever read on teh intartrons.
TOP COMMENT said:JordanViray3 days ago
Have you even served with the Imperial forces? Sure it's easy to take potshots from your military blog in some no-name star system while the fleet and its legions fight the rebel insurgents, but combined space/air/ground operations are a lot messier than any infographic could ever portray.
Even with the Empire's full spectrum dominance of the battlespace, you can't just leverage fleet assets which are optimized for ship-to-ship combat into a large scale ground invasion force. A Star Destroyer might have more firepower than the entire militaries of less advanced worlds but you still need a proper ground assault ship to support infantry landings.
Unfortunately, the do-nothing blowhards in Coruscant couldn't get funding for the promising alternative designs from Sienar Fleet Systems and we ended up (as usual) with Kuat Drive Yards' overpriced, overdue, and underperforming AT-AT mess.