Gunman Kills Dutch Politician


Senior member
Jan 13, 2001

<< HILVERSUM, Netherlands ? Right-wing Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn, whose anti-immigration party stunned the public with its strong showing in local elections last March, was shot six times and killed Monday as he left a radio interview. >>

from: Gunman Kills Dutch Politician

What are your opinions on this matter. This politician created a political party 6 months ago and in that time 25% of the Dutch population agreed with his opinions. Now since I am a Dutch citizen who lives in Seattle I only know what the media tells me :). His party was very different then the rest and he wasn't scared by the media, people or his "political" reputation (like many politicians are these days). He wasn't scared to take some risks on TV either and he wasn't very liked by other parties (from what I read on Dutch newspaper websites).

Anyways... its off-topic, but news.