In Metro 2033's case, I'd agree. The graph spends most of it's time below 30fps.
But BFBC2 and AvP? Spend most of their graph above 30, especially in the AvP bench. So, in this case, 1 out of the 3 games is below playable.
And I actually really like H's approach to benching. Always have since they changed up.
I'm even going to adopt their methods when I bench in the future.
Going to have to disagree on this one. I think the idea of how Crysis felt playable at 30fps has been taken too far.
I find about 50fps or higher in most games to be playable. I have all three of those games and all of them are not smooth at 30fps or so. Which is where the average lies for those benchmarks.
They seem to be continuing to make pointless benchmarks to try and make a point. What good are these benchmarks to anyone who is interested in buying a video card ? They're not playable frames from either setup. And people who play at these high resolutions they keep benching are likely not going to even be interested in buying either setup.
I had 5870CF at my resolution and after seeing how wrong those last benches they did were with their BFBC2 numbers compared to what I was getting, their benches hold no water for me anymore.
You want to bench those cards, lets see them at 1920x1200, 1680x1050 with some AA turned on. And lets see more than those 3 games again and again. Do the full round, Crysis, Metro, any source game, MW2, Farcry 2 etc.
I guess every site cannot be at the quality level of anand when it comes to good reviews.