Originally posted by: DaveSimmons
Originally posted by: randumb
It could be a legit copy. I got a free Call of Duty with my eVGA GeForce FX 5900XT (which I know is legit), and it is simply a double sided CD case with a serial number sticker.
And probably labeled as not being legal to sell separately from the card.
The truth of the matter is that it's the manufacturer/distributer that decides the legality of software. THere are a few restrictions like you can legaly make a copy for yourself for backup, they can't restrict that. You can legaly share it, ie let a freind borrow the cd. You can modify it or create patches for it then distribute those patches. Stuff like that.
If you REALY care about the legality of it you can go ahead and give the manufacturer a call and see what they say. They will be able to tell you if your paying for a pirated copy. If it is REALY a gray market (meaning it wasn't ment for the USA market and something the manufacture or governement may take execption of, but can't do anything about it legally) thing, then that's ok.
Especially in eastern nations, china, tialand, etc and Russia piracy is rampant. People make livings off of it, and they make professional level copies of it (aslo crappy ones too). So if your paying for pirated software you probably just got ripped off yourself, the going price for somehting like that is probably something like 5 bucks, at most.
You can also find pirated copies off of the internet.