- Dec 27, 2001
- 11,272
- 1
- 0
Note in bold that this is after any state or utility incentives.
This is the kind of responsible environmentalism that we need and could only be brought to you by a rational conservative legislature. Don't just smack restriction upon restriction on energy suppliers and expect that to keep energy cheap and the pollution down, help give the people calling for lower energy costs and less pollution a way to start making it happen themselves.
I'm sure in Cali, I have a few other incentives to take advantage of, so I could very well be putting one of these in next year.
When President Bush signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005 into law on August 8th, he set the stage for the first federal tax credits for solar energy systems on homes in 20 years. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), homeowners and businesses will receive a credit of up to 30 percent of the cost of installing a solar power system or a solar hot water system. The solar energy tax credit is capped at $2,000 for each type of system, and applies to the cost after accounting for any state and utility incentives. It applies to systems that are placed in service in 2006 or 2007. Homeowners will also earn a tax credit for installing fuel cells, and businesses will earn a tax credit for installing either fuel cells or microturbines. See the SEIA summary of the solar tax credits and see pages 1373 to 1390 of the energy act
Note in bold that this is after any state or utility incentives.
This is the kind of responsible environmentalism that we need and could only be brought to you by a rational conservative legislature. Don't just smack restriction upon restriction on energy suppliers and expect that to keep energy cheap and the pollution down, help give the people calling for lower energy costs and less pollution a way to start making it happen themselves.
I'm sure in Cali, I have a few other incentives to take advantage of, so I could very well be putting one of these in next year.