I'd personally stay away from this RAM. Isn't this the same type that's specific to a particular set of motherboards?
To the person above me saying Linux uses 200MB of RAM without breaking a sweat, that's true if you count disk cache. My TBird 900's full 512MB of RAM shows as used in Linux, but if you take a closer look, almost all of it is cache. Running XFree86 4.1.0, Gnome 1.4, Mozilla 0.91, X-Chat, 3 RXVT terminals, etc, I rarely break 128MB used.
I also run Slackware 7.1 on an Acer NT-150 (settop box that has a 486/133 AMD processor, 8MB RAM, 1 ISA slot and an IDE channel), soon to be running as a secondary DNS server. It occasionally swaps.