Originally posted by: silverpig
Asking what came before the big bang is sort of like asking what time your watch read before it was manufactured.
not a cogent relation...
a watch is a device used to give people a meter of an ongoing happenstance like time whereas for all intents and purposes the big bang WAS the beginning of time (or our frame of reference relating to it, depending on your philosophical bent)
i understand what you were trying to get at whereas there cannot be something before nothing, but watch allusions lead to comments like:
omg... just because there is no arm to put a watch on doesn't mean that time isn't happening at 1000ms/s.
the whole idea of a initial singularity means that all mathematical equations are moot... no information can be passed through a singularity (across the face, possibly, but not through) so it doesn't really matter whether anything existed or didn't exist before the big bang, it's out of our universal frame of reference
as for a ciclic universe, the brane theory lets me sleep better at night as opposed to ideas of a big crunch and the associated causality violations :Q
the basics of it are that if the information requires that you cross a singularity or any other equation that deals in hefty amounts of infinity, then why even bother? you aren't going to get anything but rubbish. now, re: branes, if equations could be modified to take into account having a parallel state less than the width of a proton in a previously unexplored dimension (read dimension as direction of measurement, not as the science fiction type), then you could theoretically pass information across the gap, but you will never get information from before the "impact" as the universe was necessarily at a zeroized state.
one point that i'm interested by is that the brane idea conveniently "explains" hyperinflation in the early universe... possibly actual contact between the two gravitational "dents"? that would take an immense amount of intertia, for sure!