Graphing gaming laptop usage with min max etc?


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2006
I'll be receiving an SLI gaming laptop with an i5 in a few days, I was thinking of maybe doing some benchmarks/tests but then I realized I have no idea how to do that. Whats the best software to use? Will desktop solutions like GPUz or MSI Afterburner work on an SLI laptop? Is there a way to get a graph of CPU, RAM, and GPU utilization at the same time? I'd like to try some heavy gaming and I'm curious if the i5 is going to be a bottleneck and how well both GPUs are actually being used.

If I'm going to spend any time doing this I'd like to have some hard numbers/graphs to look at and share. Whats the right way of doing this? However I'd like something relatively quick/easy to do...where I can finish the tests and collect the information in say a day or two, I'm not wanting to do a crazy in depth review that takes a week and requires a doctorates degree in computer science.

What are some fairly heavy games that have a good easy to use benchmark? I don't have the absolute latest and greatest heaviest games are Batman AA, Battlefield BC2, Bio Shock 2, COD4 MW, Crysis/Warhead, Dirt 2 (seen used as a benchmark), Dragon Age 1/2, Civ5, Fallout 3, Far Cry 2, Mafia 2, Mass Effect 1, Metro 2033, Uh... Sup Com 2?, Warhammer 40k DOW 2?

I have other games as well...and I could download some benchmark specific stuff like 3D mark of some kind or whats that other one Unigen or something?

How about cleaning up the laptop before running anything? I hear Lenovo packs a crap load of garbage and does 10 partitions but doesn't offer any OS disks or anything so I don't have any way to do a clean install. This is Win8. Also, if it matters, this laptop is stuck with a crap 1TB 5400RPM HDD with no option to change/upgrade it...dunno how that will affect benchmarks/gaming.


Mar 5, 2013
Use 3DMark11 / 3DMarkVantage and compare your scores to the ones at (they have SLI benchmarks as well).

I don't know about the other games you listed, but your CPU will be a bottleneck in GW2.

I'm almost certain that Lenovo gaming laptops have removable hard drives. Being an SLI laptop, there is probably room for 2 or 3 2.5" hard drives (and you can replace the optical drive with a hard drive). A 5400RPM hard drive probably won't effect your scores, but load times might be a bit long. For such an expensive laptop you should get a SSD or 7200RPM hard drive for the OS and use the 1TB 5400RPM for storage.

Yes you should uninstall the Lenovo bloatware (except for Energy Star and OneKey Recovery) before installing the benchmarks and videogames.
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