Graphing gaming laptop usage with min max etc?


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2006
I'll be receiving an SLI gaming laptop with an i5 in a few days, I was thinking of maybe doing some benchmarks/tests but then I realized I have no idea how to do that. Whats the best software to use? Will desktop solutions like GPUz or MSI Afterburner work on an SLI laptop? Is there a way to get a graph of CPU, RAM, and GPU utilization at the same time? I'd like to try some heavy gaming and I'm curious if the i5 is going to be a bottleneck and how well both GPUs are actually being used.

If I'm going to spend any time doing this I'd like to have some hard numbers/graphs to look at and share. Whats the right way of doing this? However I'd like something relatively quick/easy to do...where I can finish the tests and collect the information in say a day or so, I'm not wanting to do a crazy in depth review that takes a week and requires a doctorates degree in computers.

What are some fairly heavy games that have a good easy to use benchmark? I don't have the absolute latest and greatest games...but stuff like Batman AA, Battlefield BC2, Bio Shock 2, COD4 MW, Crysis/Warhead, Dirt 2 (seen this one used as a benchmark), Civ5, Fallout 3, Far Cry 2, Mafia 2, Mass Effect 1, Metro 2033, Uh... Sup Com 2?, Warhammer 40k DOW 2?

I have other games as well...and I could download some benchmark specific stuff like 3D mark of some kind or whats that other one Unigen or something? Speaking of which, I think I just bought some games somewhere but forgot to download them...I gotta go look and see what they were lol. Edit: Oh yeah I found it...was Dragon Age 1/2

How about cleaning up the laptop before running anything? I hear Lenovo packs a crap load of garbage and does 10 partitions but doesn't offer any OS disks or anything so I don't have any way to do a clean install. This is Win8. Also, if it matters, this laptop is stuck with a crap 1TB 5400RPM HDD with no option to change/upgrade it...dunno how that will affect benchmarks/gaming.
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