Graphic Card/Motherboard Issue


Junior Member
Oct 21, 2003
I am upgrading a computer for a friend using the following parts:

Abit VV7-V Motherboard
Athlon XP 2900+
512MB PC3200 Memory
Gigabyte Radeon 9600 Pro 128mb

I put the system together and it appeared to run fine. Installed windows xp, and had the machine on for practically the entire day with no problems. I tried to run 3d Mark 2005 on the machine that night, and imediately the machine crashed. ATI Control Panel VPU Recover recovered the video and right after that, it crashed agian. When it crashes, the screen halts, the sound continues, then the screen goes black, sound still continuing. About 20 seconds later, VPU Recover recovers the system only for it to crash agian. The temperature of the CPU never goes above 110F and currently, and the system temperature never aboe 80F. I have tried switching out every component in the system except the motherboard and had no luck solving the problem. The strange thing is, I tried PC2100 and PC2700 memory in the system, and the slower the memory, the longer time 3D Mark runs before crashing. After all my tests, I would assume the motherboard is faulty, but I wanted to just check to see if anyone else has had similar problems with this board or another KT600 board or has any suggestions on things to try before I send this board back for a replacement. The last thing I want is to go through the trouble of an RMA and get the new board back and have the same problem...


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2002
I am assuming that you meant model KV7-V.

What version of the BIOS are you running?
You need version 1.4 to support the Sempron CPU.