Grandma is in the hospital....


Mar 31, 2003
Why on the holidays?? About 4 years ago, we lost my grandfather and uncle on my Dad's side of the family within a week of each other.

She isn't dead but my grandfather (Mom's side) died in 1996. Since then my Grandmother just, essentially, lost the will to live. She won't get out and do anything, she won't stop smoking (Well she will stop, then get upset over something and start again)-- even though the doctor scared her when he said we'll be seeing you and you won't wake up next year if you keep this up. She just has given up-- and it sucks! We are all there 100% for her, but she has 0 will to do anything.

I was psyched because, even though I'll only get to use it while I'm home from College, we got a 50" HD TV among other things, and right now, I think I would trade the entire Christmas "haul" for her to get better AND for her to have a passion for life again :(



Golden Member
Nov 21, 2007
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Why on the holidays??

Statistically, the chances were approx 7 in 365, if you assume the "holidays" are a week long. Unfortunatly bad things don't wait for the "opportune" time. Luckily, good things operate with the same sence of timing. It's all just chance that balances in the end. Hope she gets better and regains her will to live. Out of curiosity, how old is she?


Mar 31, 2003
She is mid-60's... if she really wanted to, the woman could pull through anything- her mother is a living (Yes my Great Grandmother is still alive) proof of that. Thats what hurts the most-- that she just doesn't really care! :(


Golden Member
Nov 21, 2007
Sounds like you or someone close to her needs to find out what is that will give her that spark again. There's something for everybody. No one completly loses the will to live, they only forget. It's still in there somewhere.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Sorry to hear about your grandmother. Perhaps if the family concentrated on things for her to look forward to? i.e. won't it be nice to see the grandkids graduate? Great-grandchildren? etc.


Golden Member
Apr 19, 2004
Unfortunately a lot of older people decline quickly when they lose their significant others. My grandmother and a family friend both lost their husbands - strangely enough the husbands (my grandpa and the family friend's husband) were best friends. I guess they just lose the spark they once had for life because they don't feel they've got anyone to share it with anymore. I know this obviously is wrong because they've got other family who loves them, but I can only imagine how difficult it must be losing the one person you cared for the most in the world.

I only hope she gets better and is able to enjoy the holidays with you. Try to have a good Christmas though!~


Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: OUCaptain
Sounds like you or someone close to her needs to find out what is that will give her that spark again. There's something for everybody. No one completely loses the will to live, they only forget. It's still in there somewhere.

We've tried everything-- honestly we have. She doesn't really go anywhere anymore and is very very sensitive at the littlest things. My younger sister is a Junior in HS and my youngest sister is an 8th grader... it would be nice for her to see them progress a little farther.

My Great-Grandmother is in a nursing home now, but it still fighting strong. She may have the strongest will, and may be the toughest old lady I have ever met. I can't imagine what it would be like to outlive your child and to hear about them going through all of this.

The latest word is that she has a 102 fever, had dangerously low blood pressure but they can't find what is wrong with her. They are going to admit her into the hospital, but in the past 8 hours have not yet (<-Kinda disturbing).

I'm staying up until I get a word on her condition.



Golden Member
Nov 21, 2007
I didn't mean to sound like I thought you hadn't. That wasn't my intention. I simply believe the will is in everybody no matter how hard it is to see or find. I hope the situation improves for you and your family.


Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: OUCaptain
I didn't mean to sound like I thought you hadn't. That wasn't my intention. I simply believe the will is in everybody no matter how hard it is to see or find. I hope the situation improves for you and your family.

None taken... I apologize if it came of condescending on my end.

And I definitely agree with you 100%. I just have to find a way to get that across to my grandmother.

I appreciate all the thoughts guys, I'll update when we know more.

Thanks and Hope all of your Christmas's are going well,