GoToMyPC works on netbook but not laptop - Why?


Senior member
Jan 13, 2009
I recently installed GoToMyPC on both my laptop and netbook. Both use windows XP. It works great on my netbook and horrible on my laptop. When I bring up my work computer screen through GoToMyPC on my laptop it works for a few seconds then the image of my work computer screen freezes and then the program shuts down. Following this program forced shutdown of GoToMyPC, the laptop works fine. This has happened on multiple occasions so I know it is not a problem with my workplace office network. What could be causing this problem and why do both computers react differently?


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
ssI have used GTMPC feor about 2 years, and have never noted an display problems. A lot depends on your settings, and, what is the status of the program. It costs a few $$$ to install it on a machine, but nothing to access what is installed. For 2 machines, it costs $269.40 a year.

I will terminate the account next year - and then use LOGMEIN and save some bucks.

So , , , are you seeing this on any machine that accesses your notebook and or netbook? Do you have it installed on both? That ain't cheap.

Make sure your settings are compatible with your notebook's display.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2006
Flash problem on your laptop? Doesn't GoToMyPC use flash or activex or java? Might be a problem with one of those. You should really consider moving to Logmein; they offer free remote desktop support.


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
Don't think it is flash technology - the notebook might have a soft firewall that causes the problem


I will definitely switch to LogMeIn and save over $260 next year. Citrix is all heart - they just offered to let me install it on a 3rd machine for a total of $324 a year. Sheesh!