Googlegear Fraud


Golden Member
Jul 14, 2000
Back in late January I ordered over $900 worth of components from Googlegear to build a new P4 computer. In the box that should have contained most of the items, only the motherboard in a damaged box was there. Over $800 worth of items were missing.

I called Googlegear about this and they said a UPS truck would come by my house to pick up the box for evidence of shipment tampering and Googlegear would give me a credit to reorder the missing items when the paperwork came back from UPS . The UPS man picked up the box on February 6th and also insisted that I include the motherboard. It's been over 2 months now and Googlegear still hasn't given me a credit for any of the missing items, so I'm out over $800. I've tried leaving them voice mail several times over the past month and sending them e-mails, but they almost never respond. The last time I heard from them was several weeks ago by e-mail and they still say they will give me a credit.

I had no other way to turn but write a letter to my credit card company telling them what happened and that Googlegear has had 2 months to give me a credit but has not done so. I can't tell the Anandtech forum users that they should never buy from Googlegear again, but I know I won't. :disgust:


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2001
That Sux. They have been generally pretty good with me (I recieve my packages in a timely fashion). But I order little things, like RAM, cables, etc.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
I remember this original post. Wasn't UPS going to cover it since it was banged up/pilfered on their end? F.0.B. shipping point leaves the responsibility with the carrier; packages shipped from these vendors include insurance, so why aren't you going after UPS?

Either way, that sucks. Sorry to hear it. :(



Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
Bad things can happen to anyone anytime. I have ordered several times from Googlegear and never had a problem. Two weeks ago I got a 2.8 GHz CPU from them - free shipping and two day delivery. I rate them as excellent. They are located South of San Francisco.


Nov 28, 2001
That REALLY SUCKS, I have always had great things to say about googlegear. But I agree with Chizow, I think that this should have been taken up with UPS rather than googlegear...


Golden Member
Feb 2, 2001
Googlegear has been good for me too, but I have never had to return anything. A couple of months ago I got a PC case that was damged in shipping. I immediately contacted UPS, then my credit card company. They did the rest, the shipper got their refund and I got my credit.

Not that this is the same situation, but call your credit card company if you used one. I hope you have proof of return to Googlegear.

I do agree that just because people have success purchasing things at good prices, everyone wants customer service when they need it.

Hope it works out right for you.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
i have order over 10 thousand dollars of stuff, usually xeon processors over 20 of them, rdram, about 30-40 gigs worth, from them and never had a problem. its usually the UPS thats taking their time..

if u file any insurance claim or something off ups/fedex, they can take forever

anyway ever work at ups/fedex before ?

THEY OPEN PACKAGES TO CHECK FOR STUFF and that could have been yours



Aug 28, 2001
googlegear has been good to me, ive ordered at least 60 cpus from them, never had a prob, got 2 bad durons and they cross-shipped me new ones.


Golden Member
Jul 14, 2000
chizow, yes that's what Googlegear told me would happen. They said they'd get a check from UPS for the missing items and then they would give me a credit so I could re-order the items, but it's been 2 months. The only thing I can think of that would explain this it that UPS thinks I just claimed those items were missing so they won't give Googlegear an insurance check, and the people at Googlegear don't have the guts to accuse me of lying so they ignore me hoping I'll eventually go away.

I tried calling UPS to see what the status of the order was, but they said they could only give out information to the shipper not the receiver. I'd really like to know if they ever gave Googlegear an insurance check.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
You did use a credit card to purchase the items, right?

Have you considered disputing the charges?

Viper GTS


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Ah yes, I remember now. It sounds like your only recourse is to go through your CC or bank and forward all relevant documentation to them (hopefully you have lots and you saved them). I always purchase with my BoA Platinum Check Card/Visa b/c of this; I know they'll take care of it right away and credit me while investigating. Hopefully your CC company is responsive and takes care of this; they'll find out much faster than you whether Googlegear received payment or not.



Golden Member
Jul 14, 2000
Viper GTS, I did use a credit card. The CC customer service told me to send them a letter explaining what happened along with a copy of the Googlegear invoice with the missing items. They said it'll take 4-6 weeks.


Nov 5, 2002
What makes it difficult is that it may be difficult to convince them that the items were stolen in the first place. When you received the package, did you talk to the delivery person about it, seeing the box damaged? That way they can verify that indeed it was stolen. Otherwise they want to be sure you are not making a fraudulent claim. Your cc company should take care of it if googlegear doesn't, or UPS as they are mainly responsible. very difficult situation.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
I think the problem was (from what I remember from the OP), was that UPS just left it sitting on his porch w/ no sig. required etc. The box looked to be dinged up and tampered with; the tape was loose etc. Everything was missing except for one beat up piece of equipment; the mobo I think. So he couldn't really dispute it on the spot. UPS came by and picked up what was delivered. And now the current situation. Its unfortunate that he looks like the bad guy in the eyes of Googlegear and UPS, but that's why you get the CC company involved. The key thing to remember when something like this happens is that you're the victim and you were wronged. If you waver from that stance in the least, you'll find the situation dragging along with increasing doubt mounting against your case as time passes.



Golden Member
Jul 14, 2000
everman, the shipping box wasn't damaged. It was the motherboard box that looked squashed. I found out after I called Googlegear about the missing items that this wasn't the shipping box sent out by Googlegear. They said all of their shipments have red tape on them and this box didn't. After I looked at the box closer I noticed that the shipping label from the original box had been cut off and taped to this new one.


Golden Member
Jul 14, 2000
chizow, nope the UPS man gave me the box personally and I signed for it. At the time I had no idea anything was wrong or missing. The shipping box was fine. After I took it inside and opened it I found out that most of the items were missing, including the packing slip. The Asus motherboard box looked squashed as well.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Follow the instructions on the back of your credit card bill. Most credit card companies are very liberal in their policies, after all they have the clout. Tell the credit card company that you never got your stuff in good condition and that neither the seller nor the shipper are making any effort to settle the dispute. You will very quickly get a credit applied to your bill and you can walk away and leave the seller and UPS fighting it out between themselves.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: chizow
I remember this original post. Wasn't UPS going to cover it since it was banged up/pilfered on their end? F.0.B. shipping point leaves the responsibility with the carrier; packages shipped from these vendors include insurance, so why aren't you going after UPS?

Either way, that sucks. Sorry to hear it. :(


UPS is the agent of the shipper therefore only googlegear as the shipper has a claim with UPS. The receiver cannot go to UPS they must go to the vendor who then must make the claim with UPS. UPS is notorious for refusing to honor damage/theft claims even when the shipper has paid for the extra insurance.


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 2001
Years ago I worked for a very large company that shipped an average of 114,000 items per day. We frequently received calls from customers saying they got partial orders or that the package looked like it had been opened. Your trusty US Postal Service and even UPS can and do have bad apples in their camp just like any other work place. I've ordered from GG several times and found them better in some ways than Newegg. Claims from UPS take forever. I would keep hammering them until hell froze over or until they provided GG with the check.

Sorry man, I know this bites down hard but lay it all out on GG. They are on the other end of the short stick.



Senior member
Jul 16, 2002
Googlegear's been good to me. Over $10,000 in many seperate orders. Never a mistake or missing products. I'd say this is a UPS problem.

Just my opinion,



Senior member
Oct 30, 1999
Originally posted by: Doug3737
next time, stick w/ ;)

I order from Googlegear and NewEgg all the time and 99% of the time, I get what I order and get it when I'm supposed to receive it. There are isolated incidents. Example: I ordered a Ti4600 when they just came out from NewEgg. They sent me a Ti4400 instead. Simple mistake, no problem.

They made the mistake (still have the paperwork), and they told me to send it back at my expense as an RMA, they would not cross ship, they would not send the Ti4600 until the item was received, and on top of it all, they charged me to ship the original Ti4600 to me once they received the 4400.

My point is, it is hard to fight companies that walk on water when it comes to reseller ratings. You can't fight God and Company or City Hall even if they are wrong.

My problem was not as big as yours as I have my own FedEx account, but I would have definately cancelled/disputed the credit card transaction as soon as I received the damaged merchandise or before 30 days. You would have seen Googlegear really scurring for thier money with thier shipper.

No matter what we say, it will not solve your problem or soften the blow, but you sharing this information with us will help us act accordingly if we ever encounter such a problem.

I still love GoogleGear and NewEgg and 99% of the time, they are good retaillers.

If you don't get anything done, I can afford to dump $25.00 or more in an account for you.

Let us know.


Golden Member
Jan 21, 2001
I don't think he should take it up with UPS. When a company ships something via a courier. They are the ones placing the shipment order with the courier service. They get the tracking number and they have the account. If something goes wrong the customer complains to the company and the company should take it up with the courier. As for the money i don't know why they haven't given it to you. Maybe the easiest thing is to ask them if they can apply the money as a credit for another order?