Google Play unrequested refunds


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
I'm still new on the Android platform (I switched back in February) and had an odd thing happen today. I somehow had my money I've spent in the Play Store refunded to me... at least most of it. It looks like the only things that are still gone are things like Postmates.

I got an email from the NY Times asking me to fill out a survey on why I cancelled my subscription. I thought it was a phishing email so I deleted it and ignored. Then I was in my bank account later on doing online bills and discovered a ton of refunds from the Play Store. When I went and looked at the store, I see my credit card wasn't listed anymore. On all the purchases they were now listed as "Cancelled". I can't find any reason for this. My card still works in the real world. I didn't ask for any refunds, in fact I didn't ask for anything at all.

Anyone have a clue how/why this could have happened? Should I just take the money and run? Will I get recharged (not that I plan on spending, or need the money) down the road..
Mar 11, 2004
Not sure what is going on there, but contact Google (seriously, they actually have support for this, you can chat with them).

I had an issue where I did the Play Music/YouTube Red subscription (where you subscribe to the former and automatically get the latter). I cancelled the one but it didn't auto cancel the other so it actually tried autobilling me for it. I chatted with them and they were able to stop it (actually they told me what had happened as I just got a charge for Google, and was like "I already cancelled, what the?").