Good News for Bush, Poll shows more than half America still brainwashed and feel there is WMD in Iraq


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
8-20-2004Poll: Many Still Link Iraq With WMD

WASHINGTON - More than half of Americans, 54 percent, continue to believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or a program to develop them before the United States invaded last year, according to a poll released Friday.

Evidence of such weapons has not been found.

President Bush consistently equates the war on terrorism with the war in Iraq, though he has replaced his claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction with claims that Iraq had the "capability" of building such weapons.

Both the Sept. 11 commission and the Senate Intelligence Committee have raised doubts about pre-war claims by the Bush administration before the Iraq war.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Half believe Iraq was either closely linked with al-Qaida before the war (35 percent) or was directly involved in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on this country (15 percent).

LOL. People are dumb.


Jul 25, 2002
Well it shosuld be apparent by now that the entire Iraqi Olympic Swimming Team
did all their swimming and diving practice in those vast pools of WMD.


Senior member
Jul 31, 2001
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. --George Carlin


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Todd33
Half believe Iraq was either closely linked with al-Qaida before the war (35 percent) or was directly involved in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on this country (15 percent).

LOL. People are dumb.

This is pretty accurate. Down here in South Louisiana has gone heavy Republican and the folks I have talked too that said they are Republican and will vote for Bush no matter what all said said that Irag and Al Qaida as well as WMD are all responsible for 9-11. When I ask about Osama they believe that he was working with Saddam.

There has been no proof of any of the above so the brainwashing by the Dubya, Rush, Hannity and CAD & co has been an outstanding success. The guys's from 1930's have to be very proud.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Most of the really dumb people I know are liberal democrats! But that is not a scientific study, nor do I have a percentage. Just an observation relating to the people I know at work and church. Yep I said church. I attend a VERY left leaning liberal brethren church and I am a "neocon". LMAO


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
I thought liberals were elite volvo driving college professors?

Bottom line is left or right, the typical Joe Smoe is not that informed or bright. They watch tons of reality TV, don't read and hardly watch the news.

Here is the problem.. the uninformed ignorant lefty doesn't typically vote. The uninformed ignorant righty gets whipped up about gay marriage and abortion and votes. This is how the Republicans win elections.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Actually...appears there are misconceptions about this poll. Here's the original source:

Large Majority Perceives Bush Administration Still Saying Iraq Supported Al Qaeda, Had WMD

Maybe people *are* getting wiser.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
I was never really convinced that they'd find WMD ,but I am certain that Iraq is better off without Sadaam ,yeah its rough there atm ,but we gotta stick in there until they can handle 'security' by themselves.

(being new to P&N I hope this isn't OT)


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Assimilator1
I was never really convinced that they'd find WMD ,but I am certain that Iraq is better off without Sadaam ,yeah its rough there atm ,but we gotta stick in there until they can handle 'security' by themselves.

(being new to P&N I hope this isn't OT)

For me, if the Dub had been honest to being with the American people and said "Hey look, this Saddam guy is really oppressing these poor people of Iraq and we must do our Christian duty to help these people", I'd been more apt to go for it rather than lying (I know, I know, no direct proof, but that's my conclusion) or at the very least misleading us into a war about WMD's.

Now during one of the debates versus Gore, he stated "I don't want the United States to be the policeman for the world". I would've question that as well.


Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Assimilator1
I was never really convinced that they'd find WMD ,but I am certain that Iraq is better off without Sadaam ,yeah its rough there atm ,but we gotta stick in there until they can handle 'security' by themselves.

(being new to P&N I hope this isn't OT)
Dude, stay the course is BS if the course is at best uncertain and at worst, clearly deleterious.

Bush policies have taken a real pile of crap and made crap casserole. But all you can reasonably expect from this endeavor is foul smelling fingers. Despite the lack of a real military coalition, there was an opportunity early on to "fix" Iraq. It would have required:
1) Bushies admitting that WMD was a cover.
2) Nation building run by nation builders (State Dept, UN, other NGOs) not by nation breakers (DOD).
3) Goodwill on the part of the US government.

On the first point, Bushies held onto to the WMD argument for dear life, then they migrated to the "weapons of mass destruction associated program activities, and now the new causus belli . . . "it doesn't matter."

On the second point, what moron would believe DOD would be good a nationbuilding? Yeah the UN has a less than stellar track record but at least the rest of the world considers them legitimate . . . further, they actually know where the potholes are. Instead you get DOD that not only falls into all the typical holes . . . they dig new ones.

Yeah the French can be rectums, the Germans can be slow, the Russians want to get paid, and the Chinese . . . want to get paid . . . but that's no excuse for the Bush agenda aka "I'm right and if you don't like it I'm gonna pee on you." Hastert called it Texas cocky.


Jun 2, 2000
I looked at the original source conjur linked. He did summarize the poll correctly, and based on that summary I would be a definate Yes opinion as well.


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
Are you guys practicing to post on Democratic Underground? You're arrogant, elitist attitude is basically, "If you don't agree with me, you're stupid.", which may make you and your fellow haters feel all smug, but also ignores that you could be totally WRONG. Couldn't the sub-topic be: "Bad News for Kerry, Poll shows more than half America still in denial and feel there aren't WMD in Iraq" Yup, it could.

How many of you people were against the war because you were afraid that Saddam would use WMDs against our troops? How come you've forgotten that JOHN KERRY said that we needed to go to war because Saddam had WMDs, only to turn 180 degrees when Howard Dean had captured the hearts of the naive peaceniks.

Kerry is a proven liar (Xmas in Cambodia), a feckless crapweasel and refuses to prove that he's not a fradulent war hero. Not that you guys cares. Keep screaming.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: DefRef
Are you guys practicing to post on Democratic Underground? You're arrogant, elitist attitude is basically, "If you don't agree with me, you're stupid.", which may make you and your fellow haters feel all smug, but also ignores that you could be totally WRONG. Couldn't the sub-topic be: "Bad News for Kerry, Poll shows more than half America still in denial and feel there aren't WMD in Iraq" Yup, it could.

How many of you people were against the war because you were afraid that Saddam would use WMDs against our troops? How come you've forgotten that JOHN KERRY said that we needed to go to war because Saddam had WMDs, only to turn 180 degrees when Howard Dean had captured the hearts of the naive peaceniks.

Kerry is a proven liar (Xmas in Cambodia), a feckless crapweasel and refuses to prove that he's not a fradulent war hero. Not that you guys cares. Keep screaming.

Nobody's screaming except you. Funny how aggressive the Neocons are getting now that the tables have almost certainly turned in this election. Battleground states are now almost all in favor of Kerry at this point. Bush has to work an uphill battle from here, and the RNC better produce some big results for him if he expects to win cause lord knows the debates won't.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Sudheer Anne
Originally posted by: DefRef
Are you guys practicing to post on Democratic Underground? You're arrogant, elitist attitude is basically, "If you don't agree with me, you're stupid.", which may make you and your fellow haters feel all smug, but also ignores that you could be totally WRONG. Couldn't the sub-topic be: "Bad News for Kerry, Poll shows more than half America still in denial and feel there aren't WMD in Iraq" Yup, it could.

How many of you people were against the war because you were afraid that Saddam would use WMDs against our troops? How come you've forgotten that JOHN KERRY said that we needed to go to war because Saddam had WMDs, only to turn 180 degrees when Howard Dean had captured the hearts of the naive peaceniks.

Kerry is a proven liar (Xmas in Cambodia), a feckless crapweasel and refuses to prove that he's not a fradulent war hero. Not that you guys cares. Keep screaming.

Nobody's screaming except you. Funny how aggressive the Neocons are getting now that the tables have almost certainly turned in this election. Battleground states are now almost all in favor of Kerry at this point. Bush has to work an uphill battle from here, and the RNC better produce some big results for him if he expects to win cause lord knows the debates won't.

OMG, the debates are gonna be classic.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Anyone that can call Kerry a liar and defend Bush is... let's just leave it at that.

I never believed Saddam was a threat. He was a two-bit dictator in a third world country with an almost non-existant military. I know we have "interest" in the middle east, but they were not honest about them. Now we have 140,000 troops there with no end in sight. Almost 1,000 dead and over 6,500 injured. I don't think the guy who made the mess can get us out.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Assimilator1
I was never really convinced that they'd find WMD ,but I am certain that Iraq is better off without Sadaam ,yeah its rough there atm ,but we gotta stick in there until they can handle 'security' by themselves.

(being new to P&N I hope this isn't OT)

MoFunk, then Hellburner for a day or so, and now Assimilator1 ?!

Welcome to the squawk house. You'll find that P&N is dominated by my Friends on the left(liberals/socialists/etc) and boy do they love to shout;) Being from across the pond, I'm sure you'll be quite entertained with the American politics which dominates this place.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: Assimilator1
I was never really convinced that they'd find WMD ,but I am certain that Iraq is better off without Sadaam ,yeah its rough there atm ,but we gotta stick in there until they can handle 'security' by themselves.

(being new to P&N I hope this isn't OT)

MoFunk, then Hellburner for a day or so, and now Assimilator1 ?!

Welcome to the squawk house. You'll find that P&N is dominated by my Friends on the left(liberals/socialists/etc) and boy do they love to shout;) Being from across the pond, I'm sure you'll be quite entertained with the American politics which dominates this place.

LOL the voice of reason.



Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
Originally pinched off by: Todd33
Anyone that can call Kerry a liar and defend Bush is... let's just leave it at that.
Where did I defend Bush? The issue is if Kerry's a liar and it's been proven he is. If you choose to continue your support for a lying, phony war hero, then that's your right as a moron with a vote, but weak ad hominem name-calling only shows that you really don't have any facts on your side. You guys are so used to sniff each others manure, you don't even realize how deluded you are.
Originally plopped down by: Sudheer Anne
Nobody's screaming except you. Funny how aggressive the Neocons are getting now that the tables have almost certainly turned in this election. Battleground states are now almost all in favor of Kerry at this point. Bush has to work an uphill battle from here, and the RNC better produce some big results for him if he expects to win cause lord knows the debates won't.
1. How am I screaming? I'm not, you are, but that's cuz you're getting schooled on your nonsense.

2. What makes me a "neocon"? You don't know my politics, but that your standard ad hominem for anyone who dares not agree 110% with your side, isn't it? Quite fascist of you.

3. I posted this already, but according to the latest CBS poll, "A review of state-by-state polls and historical voting data by Bloomberg News shows Bush ahead in 19 states, including Texas and Utah, with 153 electoral votes. Kerry leads in 12 states, including New York and Illinois, with 179 electoral votes. In 19 states that have 206 electoral votes, including Ohio and North Carolina, results of the most recent polls are within the margin of error. You're either lying or are delusional about Kerry poll numbers. (Actually, it's both.)

4. The debates? Oh yeah, those things that Al Gore was gonna just wipe the floor with Bush cuz he was soooooo smart and Bush was soooooooooo dumb. That's the way it turned out, right? </irony>

Any re-election is a referendum on the incumbant and if people think he's doing a poor job, then the challenger has to provide a GOOD reason to replace him and Kerry's problem is that he's a lying feckless crapweasel. His ONLY claim to fame is this mythical war record - he never accomplished anything in the Senate, did he? - and his pompous claims that he has all sorts of secret plans to end war, create jobs, blah-blah-blah and now that his war record is falling apart under the mildest scrutiny, you guys are panicking, desperate and hysterical as hell because you've realized that for "Anybody But Bush" to win requires actually having SOMEBODY to vote for.

You kids are funny. You make me raff.:laugh:


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: DefRef

The issue is if Kerry's a liar and it's been proven he is.

So what. It's been proven the Dub is a Liar too, what's your point???

Just so happens we've had enough of the Liar in Office the past 4 years and time to try a different Liar and different set of his minions.

We'll find out for the 2008 Election which set of Liar and his minions was worse for us, won't we???


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
1st thing to mention is that I'm from the UK &amp; my knowledge of US politcis is very limited ,I wasn't really talking about that side of things as such.
Btw what is DOD?

Staying the course is not BS ,&amp; none of your 3 points has anything to do with what I said about Sadaam (I assume you're answering others?).
Do you really believe if we pulled out now that things would be better? ,unfortunatly there's not a hope in hell of that atm ,it would all go to hell &amp; they'd be at each others throats ,civil war would almost be a certainity.
Incase you wondered ,I'm no fan of Bush,I still don't like or trust him.I'm glad he's not in charge of my country:p

Hi! ,I think I'll stay out of P&amp;N for the most part or I'll get sucked into too many arguments;)


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
Like most Americans, I felt SH had WMD. But, in light of the lack of evidence of WMD or of any substantial program of WMD development, we must conclude that no WMD exist. It's been 18 months and nothing has been found. When are these uninformed masses going to give up their prejudices?

Any connection between SH and AQ is slight/tenuous at best. To connect SH and 9-11 is the grossest stupidity of all, yet....
