Good flat screen CRT?


Senior member
Nov 29, 2004
Well, I dont want a loud keyboard, standard layout, etc.

As for moniter, I have no idea. I have been out of the moniter loop for about 3 years, so fill me in. Right now I have a 17" flat screen NEC 77F CRT

Thanks guys


Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
Your best bet for the monitor would probably be to look at another NEC, like that mentioned above. I have a Samsung 997DF, and I've heard that NEC and Viewsonic offer better quality for the money in that segment. That said, I think it's a nice monitor, and I've had no problems with it.


Golden Member
Feb 26, 2001
I know you said CRT, but have you looked at the latest LCD's? They aren't cheap, but there are distinct advantages in many areas with LCD. I won't go back to a CRT again....

* I like this one, which will replace my current LCD on my next upgrade...
Samsung 193P


Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2004
try get one with SB (superbright mode), it makes games so much better looking, <3 my pro 930 SB


Senior member
Sep 6, 2004
In my expierence, I love the Viewsonic G90fb. I got it off newegg for free shipping and could not be happier.


Junior Member
Jan 19, 2005
The Sony SDM-HS94P/B is the best on the market and will be for a while it has a RESPONE TIME of 12ms which is the fastest out. I have owned it has such a great pitucer and its super fast in games. I played Joint Operations,Call of Duty, Call of Duty United Offensive and I could see a whole lot better.

I also have a ViewSonic 19" A91f+ and it doesn't compare to the SDM-HS94P/B in piture clarity and speed even when I override the a91f+ refresh rate to 100hrz or 120hrz while I'm playing. So I feel strongly that the sony can hang with any CRT. Plus you don't have to freakin sit there and resize the damn srceen at 10 different resalutions and have to do it all over again when you change refresh rates. The SDM-HS94P/B is DVI which will do it PERFECLY for you.

So when you here people say LCD aren't good for gaming don't listen when it comes to this one because the people that tell you that are obviously behind of technology on LCD its not about refresh rate when It comes to LCD its all about the RESPONE TIME and 12ms is the fastest in the world of right now.

SO GET THE SDM-HS94P/B here check out the link to the sony site on it.


Elite Member
May 1, 2001
I'm using a Kensington that's rebadged A4Tech (Kensington can be rebadged anything, YMMV). Has a good feel (IMO - but then, I like 'em as stiff as I can find)) and isn't very noisy. You can get both standard layout and and "ergo" pyramid that's actually an optical illusion (closed-eyed touch typists won't know the diff)... And has some neat looking models but I have no idea of their feel, etc. Hard to find either brand, I use froogle to locate web vendors. Newegg carries a smattering of each.

Snow, snow GO AWAY!!!



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: lockdown
The Sony SDM-HS94P/B is the best on the market and will be for a while it has a RESPONE TIME of 12ms which is the fastest out. I have owned it has such a great pitucer and its super fast in games. I played Joint Operations,Call of Duty, Call of Duty United Offensive and I could see a whole lot better.

I also have a ViewSonic 19" A91f+ and it doesn't compare to the SDM-HS94P/B in piture clarity and speed even when I override the a91f+ refresh rate to 100hrz or 120hrz while I'm playing. So I feel strongly that the sony can hang with any CRT. Plus you don't have to freakin sit there and resize the damn srceen at 10 different resalutions and have to do it all over again when you change refresh rates. The SDM-HS94P/B is DVI which will do it PERFECLY for you.

So when you here people say LCD aren't good for gaming don't listen when it comes to this one because the people that tell you that are obviously behind of technology on LCD its not about refresh rate when It comes to LCD its all about the RESPONE TIME and 12ms is the fastest in the world of right now.

SO GET THE SDM-HS94P/B here check out the link to the sony site on it.

Why did you bother posting that? Did you read the topic of this thread, or were you just clicking randomly? Perhaps you are confused about what the term CRT means?

Seriously, though, why would you suggest a $500 LCD to someone who is looking for a $200 CRT?

I'm sure we're all thrilled for you that you like your LCD better than ViewSonic's low-end model. Speaking of which, it's a bad idea to go overriding your refresh rate to 100 or 120 Hz when the A91f+ has a recommended setting of 1280x1024 @ 80Hz. It won't make things look better. Also, you act as though being able to use different resolutions on a CRT is a bad thing. Sheesh.