Originally posted by: CraKaJaX
It sounds like McOwned to me.
Originally posted by: Anubis
Originally posted by: CraKaJaX
It sounds like McOwned to me.
now look theres no reason to bring dave into this
Originally posted by: SunnyD
At least you can take heart in having avoided a McUlcer, a McHeartAttack, or McExplosiveDiaherria.
Originally posted by: sdifox
we have a NuclearNed copycat?
Lunch finally comes, and I'm out the door and to my car faster than Casiotech to a Diesel jeans give-away.
I would like to blame 33% of this days downturn on the OP of the McRib thread, 33% on McDonalds NOT having a McRib, 33% on my boss, and 1% on the Bush Administration, but in the end I know it's 100% my fault for assuming that the boss is an idiot and has no clue what we do when he is not there AND for pointing the blame at everyone else but where it belongs....on me....boo hoo.
Originally posted by: JTsyo
Lunch finally comes, and I'm out the door and to my car faster than Casiotech to a Diesel jeans give-away.
There's no point in getting diesel jeans if you aren't paying $100 for them.