Good chipset review of Socket A mobo?


Golden Member
Mar 11, 2001
Where can I find a good review of the available chipsets? Tom's Hardware?

Haven't stayed with the AMD path. Been waiting for the price of PIIIs to drop for my Acorp Dually. Decided to jump ship when I saw the $46.99 XP1700+ procs on sale at newegg. The Acorp was limited to 512mb of SDRAM. With an AMD rig I can advantage of DDR bandwidth. This rig is used for high end editing, photoshop, dreamweaver, etc. (no gaming).

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
You could try AMDMB

The 1700+ might not be enough bang for your intended usage.

I built an AMD system for a friend that uses those apps. An XP2100+ works very well here. Combined with 1 gig of ram, his PS7 just screams. He also does a bit of Bryce 3d too. I used a DFI AD77 Infinity board because it is loaded for its price. Plus it holds up to 4 gigs of ram.

There are many chipsets but each has their good and bad points.

Searching the MotherBoard section here can be pretty informative.



Elite Member
May 1, 2001
Yeah, I was also going to send you to AMDMB as they usually have pointers to most of the Socket A mobo reviews on the web. If you check the latest Price Guide on Anandtech, you will see that the XP 2100+ is the current Price/Perf sweet spot. For those willing to take the risk, XPs can be converted into MPs, but dual Athlon mobos aren't cheap and usually require special PSUs.