Gonna give up on my new IPAQ...


Golden Member
Jan 26, 2001
I finally received my IPAQ 3135 from Staples about 3 days ago and I just can't seem to get used to it. Prior to this my only experience with a PDA was with my Visor Platinum that I've had for 3 weeks now and it just seems to much easier to use. Also, there seem to be soooo many more apps for the Palm OS and the screen on the IPAQ is also much harder to read (at least the bars are, the text isn't too bad).

Any reasons why I should try to stick it out with the IPAQ or should I just be content with my Visor and maybe upgrade to a Sony Clie s320? Also, do you think the Palm OS will be around/supported for a while even with the crash of Palm's stock?

Any thoughts appreciated.



Oct 10, 1999
I wish I could give you some good ways to use it, but I have a Casio Cassiopeia E-125 PocketPC that I thought I would use the hell out of, that is really just an expensive alarm clock right now.


Golden Member
Sep 19, 2000
I've done hours after hours of research while I was shopping for a PDA/Pocket PC, and I ultimately chose a Palm OS system (first the Handspring Visor Deluxe, and recently bought a m505). As you mentioned, there are literally thousands of Palm OS based freewares out there, with thousands more for purchase. Win CE and other pocket PC OS are very limited in software availabilities, and I doubt there are that many freewares for it.
IMO, I think Palm OS based systems are lot easier to use, and data/games are much more easily shared with other systems. Pocket PC's may be a better choice, only if you need to do word processing and web browsing. Both platforms provide good e-mail use, organizing etc., but Palm OS systems are much better value. (although Microsoft might influence the Pocket PC prices to come down in the future)


Golden Member
Jan 26, 2001
yeah, I'm thinking that Palm has such a huge advantage in both ease of use and available software that it's not really worth my time learning to use this thing... probably gonna ebay it as soon as the CF card and custom case come in :eek: