going wireless: i've been reading the posts/references but...


Feb 7, 2002
just began to get interested in going wireless at home. currently have a linksys 802.11b card on my laptop (came w/ lappy when purchased). now i need to get the router.

been reading thru the forums and the various references. needless to say, my head is spinning so i thought i'd get suggestions based on what i need.

i have cable and not much need to xfer between pc's at more than what i can get from the 802.11b. the router would be placed upstairs near the center-front of a two story, 3000sq ft home. the farthest router-to-wireless card point in the house would be approx 35ft w/ 2-3 walls. would like to be able to have access outside around the house (only 1/4 acre).

based on what i'm reading here, there doesn't seem to be any overwhelming, can't-go-wrong router of choice. would i be safe going w/ either linksys or d-link? then i see some routers w/ 2 antenna and some w/ 1... any difference in performance/distance?

thanks for any replies... Deo


Mar 1, 2000
I'd get a Linksys WRT54G or WRT54GS - the latter has the speed booster....nice to have for future upgrades. I really like the interface on the Linksys routers and the wireless ones work pretty good. I can go a good 30-40 feet with my Dell 600m integrated wireless from my router...can go outside too.

The only thing Linksys seems to have trouble with is DSL PPPoE connections, they sometimes lose connection to the DSL a bit much for my liking...some of them never have this problem though. But if you have cable you should be fine.

Definitely use WEP or MAC filtering though. Easiest is MAC filtering, WEP is harder to get past.


Platinum Member
Jul 4, 2001
Yea, get an 802.11g while you're at it.

A lot of people like D-link. I recently got the Microsoft MN-720 as part of a notebook kit and it works very well, ranges all over the house, backyard and down the street.


Feb 7, 2002
well, if i could find a g router comparible in price to some b routers i've seen, then i may consider that.

either way, what's up w/ some routers (well, the b ones at least) with haveing 2 antennas and some w/ one. tried to search info on this and haven't found solid info.
