Going to a computer show for 1st time, need info...


Oct 18, 2000
Hey y'all

I'm about to go to a Blue Star Computer Super Sale, its tomorrow in Chicago. I've never been to anything like this before, but I hear it's a good way to get dirt cheap prices on stuff. What I need to know is, how good are these shows? Anything I need to look out for? Anyone have bad experiences they wanna share? I'm specifically going here looking for monitors. Anything you can tell me would be greatly appreciated.



Antisocial Virge

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 1999
I only went to one and I was severly disappointed. Parking and entrance fees cost me $10 and never found one deal. Everybody was selling the exact same cheap parts at not great prices. Better deals can be found in the For Sale/Trade forum.

Jeff H

Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
IMO the best reason to go to one of the Blue Star sales if for the entertainment value. A-V's right, there aren't prices there any better than what you'll find at a good local VAR or reputable on-line vendor.

What I've had the best luck buying at these sales are small items, such as mice or fans or an occasional CD-ROM. Many of the vendors seem to be from Ohio locales, and good luck ever contacting them should you have a problem.

Monitors often are refurbished units. Particularly you see a lot of refurb'ed Gateways. But, as I said, I most times go simply for the entertainment value - to see what junk people are peddling, and the sales tactics they employ.


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 1999
I went to one (It was this computer show- they have shows once or twice a month fairly close by) and was sorely dissappointed. I went with my dad and the admission was $12- fortunately parking was free. We went in and it was like a flea market. Tons of vendors all over the place in their little booths trying to hock their wares. Well, okay, I looked at every booth- but didn't buy a damn thing! The prices were mediocre and it is very hard to contact these companies after you leave the show!

I didn't buy a freakin' thing there!

Once I get a license and can go alone (this summer) I'll go again just to see how it is nowadays since now I would just be going to see if there is anything I might need at and see how the prices are (hopefully the RAM prices will be as low as they are now).

Actually, the one good thing I saw there was the G400s- the fact that they had G400s in September of last year was impressive considering that they were terribly difficult to find online (besides matrox's site). They were OEM G400s and the prices were okay.

Just my experience. :)


Jan 3, 2001
I went to one of BlueStar Shows about 6 months back. I did not find it to be worth the effort or the money ($8/person + $10 parking). As Jeff H stated most of the dealers are from outside the IL area, so it is like buying mailorder but at a higher price and you have to pay taxes.

I actually found that this computer show Giant Computer Show is much better. It is usually held twice a month (one week in Orland Park and one week at Dupage County Fair Grounds.) Cost to enter is $5 (with $1 off coupon at the web site.) They also occasionally have free entry. Most of the dealers at this show are local to the Chicago region, so you may have better luck if you need follow-up care. There next show is at the DuPage County Fair Grounds tomorrow (Sunday).

You will usually find two types of dealers. Used equipment and parts dealers.



Oct 9, 1999
MarketPro is around here. Parking is free. entry is $6 - $1 coupon. do i recommend going? No, not really, unless you need something like a large supply of power splitters or ide cables or floppies. things like that prices are good, at least better than local stores around me.

but for nearly anything else... get it online. ram there is. umm.. no clue.. HD's aren't priced all that well, unless it's a must need right now kinda deal. video cards... no selection.

IMO, don't think you should waste your time there... but, go for the experience and entertainment value... it can be sometimes very very humorous.

Lord Evermore

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
The ones we have around here have reasonably good prices for most stuff, or at least you can usually find one or two out of the bunch that do have good prices on the things you want - the rest would have not so good prices. You can certainly get ripped off if you don't already have some idea of what prices to expect to pay elsewhere. However the advantage is that you can get the item right then, not have to wait for it to ship, and if you consider shipping prices the vendors at a show can be cheaper than buying online even though the 'price' online is lower.

It's always nice to be able to go and browse through a wide selection of items. You'll find much more at a show than you ever could by going to a superstore like Best Buy or CompUSA or to small shops. And when you go online you pretty much have to know what you're looking for, you can't just browse and go "hey, I've been looking for one of those!" when you see something random sitting on a table.

I go to shows a lot even when I'm not looking for anything in particular.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 1999
games are cheap. they are OEM versions. thats about the only good deal I usually find. Parking is free at the shows here (NJ). I'd never pay a parking fee. I'd rather just skip the show.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 1999
We have some pretty good shows in my area, but I usually avoid making major purchases there. I usually look for little odds and ends like fans, connectors, cables, and other miscellaneous stuff that is hard to come by elsewhere.


Junior Member
Jan 7, 2001
Hi, computer show are where alot of local vendor in your area or state goes to for some quick sales. When you look at it alot of them are trying to sell you a products that is purchased some the distributor which is also local. Thus your tech support are lousy and their return policy sucks. When going just to check out for price and make sure you find your local VAR there so you can chat with him and ask him about computer stuff.

I used to be one of the vendor who goes to the computer show a few years back.



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
The thing with computer shows is that if you have a problem with what you purchase it may be very hard to return the item. Be careful. I find that with all the online coupons out there that I can get better deals from reputable online vendors.


Senior member
Nov 1, 1999
I'm a Chicagoan as well. I've never been to the one by Blue Sky but I've been to the other local shows at College of Dupage and the Dupage Fairgrounds.

I buy major items from the same couple vendors each time (one is Computer Playground and the other is Mark One Computers and they are both local). This way if something goes wrong they will recognize you and will work with you to resolve any problems. Plus they may be willing to work with you a little more on prices!!

Good Luck!


Junior Member
Jan 7, 2001
well, not to adveriste on this place but since I no longer sell computer I have given out some of the distributor place. Its on my web site at Distributorprice.com when you want to purchase email me so I can give you my account.



Golden Member
Dec 18, 2000
The shows around the S.F. Bay ("the silicon valey") area are about 1/4 the size they once were. The same old tired games, programs and old hardware. I don't go anymore,even when they Email me a free ticket.

Lord Evermore

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
The shows my roommate and I go to are mostly full of local vendors, so returning stuff usually isn't an issue with us. Some of them do recognize us because we've bought from them repeatedly. We don't limit ourselves to small stuff, we've gotten pretty decent prices on major items. Recently he put together an entire system from one dealer simply because the prices were so attractive on the whole thing.

It likely depends on the area and why type of vendor is there. Sometimes it's obvious whether it's a decent vendor or not, sometimes not so obvious. If they have a local store, usually you don't have too many problems, and if you do, they're local, you can return stuff and just remember never to go there again.

For us, the convenience of being able to go and browse, see what we want and get it right then instead of waiting a week, is worth the occasional slight over-priced item.


Oct 18, 2000
Just wanted to say, thanks everyone who helped me out. I ended up not going to the show, instead I went to Office Depot. I now have a brand new KDS 19" Flatscreen :D and for $400 too. I'll definitely check out the other shows in the Chicago area. Thanks again!

Lord Evermore

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
You could have gotten a brand new 19" at a show for no more than $350. :) Not all monitors at shows are refurbished, there just happen to be a lot of them there for people that want a monitor but can't pay that high a price.