Going semi-independent....what to do?


Senior member
Feb 16, 2006
I have ~$600 maybe by summer time ~$700...My parents are going to send me to NYC with a friend and live for 2-3 months and they want me to find jobs. I need (want?) a semi-portable PC or something because I know that I will get lost in NYC for at least the first week...
so obviously I need a compy to check e-mail and stuff and maybe GPS....
my options:
1. move current computer (which is m-ATX thank goodness) into a SFF case for ~$50-$100 and get a Dell Axim x51 w/GPS for $500???
2. Keep computer at home and ask friend to bring compy/use compy there....buy Dell Axim
3. Get PDA GPS System (other than Dell and friend's compy)
4. Spend nothing and use maps (use money for a future Laptop)
5. Buy super cheap lappy (Dell for $400 or Acer for $500)

I really don't know what to do, but I know I'll probably not do number 5 or number 1...Any suggestions??? I'm probably getting a new lappy for college anyway...


Diamond Member
May 12, 2000
Buy a notebook, keep the desktop at home.

You don't really want to trudge around NYC with a notebook. Buy a cheap map, a train and bus schedule and you will be fine.


Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2001
In NYC, there are street signs which tend to work almost as well as a GPS system. Keep a small map or check the local street map before you exit a subway. Learn N (Uptown), S (Downtown), W (West Side = Hudson river), E (East Side = East River).

The only tricky areas you might likely find yourself are in parts of the West Village and Chinatown. However, there should be no issue if you have a map on you.


Senior member
Sep 2, 2002
NYC is the easiest city to navigate. I've only been there a handful of times but I still remember my way around the streets. Obviously I don't my way around like a cab driver would but the city grid is really simply laid out that any idiot can figure it out and remember their way around. I love the numbered streets!


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2004
Ditto what they all said. I also heard Dell may be discontinuing the Axim, so I'd check up on that if I were you. You don't want to plunk money down on it if it's not going to be around much longer (thus not supported very well much longer either).