1) don't schedule a class before 10 AM
2) night classes are your friend
3) if the food in the cafeteria doesn't have a label saying what it is...don't eat it
4) extra credit is your friend
5) you will procastinate no matter how hard you try not to
6) always go to the class before a test(you'll get freebie answers)
7) your roomate will show up/be home at the most inconvenient of times
8) set up an alert system so he knows when not to come in the room
9) never leave your door unlocked
10) never trust anyone to respect your belongings
11) if you've been drinking, always drink a couple glasses of water before going to bed
12) never leave any food/pop/beer in plain site - it will be gone instantly
13) never leave any food/pop/beer in the fridge - it will be gone instantly
14) Make friends with your RA(floor advisor) - they can be your best friend, or your worse friend
15) if you want to get some studying accomplished, do it someplace besides your dorm room - too many distractions