Originally posted by: raystormI like UT3 despite its issues. Not much of a community though. I think its more because of all the team based and achievement based mp games that are out these days like Call of Duty 4, Team Fortress 2..etc Even if UT3 played more like the older UT games I don't think the game would be that popular anyways. Plain ol' Deathmatch and Capture the Flag is just old news. My opinion of course.
It's not that the UT game types are bad; it's that everything surrounding UT3's game play was just god awful and far, far below the standards that were set in UT99 and UT 2004, which really turned off fans of the previous UT games. UT3 was released as a buggy beta with featureless server browser and a horrible, consolized, clunky and slow user interface. The map voting interface was laughable and the game had difficulty auto-downloading custom maps. The taunts were horrible and you couldn't set keybinds for taunts and communication. On top of that you also have to log into Gamespy an sometimes the Gamespy server goes down. Believe me, what I've mentioned is just the tip of the iceberg.
UT3's failure was in the packaging of its game play and not the game play and game types themselves. My theory as to what happened is that Midway was loudly demanding that they hurry up and release the game a couple weeks before Christmas when it was far from ready.
UT3's failure is a shame because the market for a sci-fi type shooter that focuses on the quality of the online multiplayer game play is wide open right now.