Whether the Abbas quote is accurrate or not, we are in a mess. Bush may have casually referenced God because it was culturally expedient to do so, but one wonders if it doesn't capture something of Bush's self-assurance and excessive conviction in such things.
We are in a mess. How did we get to this point?
How about the fact that the US has increasingly gotten involved in foreign conflicts without any congressional (and therefore constitutional) declaration of war? To my knowledge, Congress has not declared war in 60+ years.
We really never have been a democracy, we are a representative republic. We do directly elect our own representatives, so if government "by the people, for the people, and of the people shall not perish from the face of the earth," then that branch of government that is supposed to most directly represent the people must function how it is designed to function. But it doesn't. Both parties and both houses are too addicted to power, hence leaving them powerless to really change things in a constructive way.
This is coming from a conservative who thinks that we were right to go into Afghanistan and who thinks we should have used force in Iraq eight or so years ago. But not under the dubious claim of imminent threat from supposed WMD, and not without a congressional declaration of war. I think Congress should have officially declared war back in the 1991 Gulf War (or we shouldn't have gone in), I think we should have established our own terms of peace (independent of what the UN did or didn't do), and I think we should have enforced them when it was obvious that Saddam was in material breach. Not eight years later under trumped up claims to a national security interest. I share that just so those who don't know me know that I am not the typical liberal who bashes almost everything Bush does the same way the typical conservative bashed everything Clinton did.
We need compassionate conservatives, but we also need lucid liberals. And we need to act constitutionally or not act.
If one responds to a bad act with a bad reaction, how is that supposed to bring healing?
Only God can bring good out of evil, because it take true godliness to respond to an evil act in a way that does not itself become evil. And it requires a crucifixion.
Oh, I forgot: Bush has a direct line to God.
People in high power are tapping into things that are so much more entrenched and powerful then they are. Pray for them.