It as an employer that I e-mailed my resume to. They called my cell. To put it short, the voicemail systems I'm familar with have buttons as follows:
Cell phone:
3 - repeat the last 5 sec
7 - Delete
office phone:
7 - repeat the last five sec
3 - Delete
Cuz my phone reception sucks where I am now I called to check my voicemail FROM my office phone. I went to repeat a number that she gave....
"Message deleted. You have no new messages..."
I only hope she left a msg at home too.
It as an employer that I e-mailed my resume to. They called my cell. To put it short, the voicemail systems I'm familar with have buttons as follows:
Cell phone:
3 - repeat the last 5 sec
7 - Delete
office phone:
7 - repeat the last five sec
3 - Delete
Cuz my phone reception sucks where I am now I called to check my voicemail FROM my office phone. I went to repeat a number that she gave....
"Message deleted. You have no new messages..."
I only hope she left a msg at home too.