Global Tax


Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
This was received in an email. I have not checked it out but having heard of it and a quick googling seems suggests a posting is warranted.

Check it out first then either "vote" for or against it or do nothing. Then live with the consequences.

June 14, 2005


The push for a global tax is stronger than ever. The term might be "global," but make no mistake -- the target for the tax is America's deep pockets.

Just three days ago during the G8 summit, France and Germany proposed a global tax on airline tickets. The globalists loved it. Hans Eichel Germany's finance minister stated, "No one in the G8 [including the U.S.] has said anything against it. It's now on the agenda."

The push for a global tax is now so strong and so real that Congressman Ron Paul will attempt to stop it tonight. Congressman Paul will offer an amendment to the Science, State, Justice, Commerce Appropriations Act of 2006 that would prohibit any U.S. funds from being used to develop, publicize, implement or impose any U.N. tax or fee on any U.S. citizen.

If any member of the U.S. House doesn't vote in favor of Congressman Paul's amendment, he or she supports a U.N. global tax.

Congressman Paul's amendment will be voted on tonight or possibly tomorrow morning. We have little time to rally support, but rally we must.

In a letter to his House colleagues asking for their support, Congressman Paul stated, "At least five times in the last decade, the United Nations has held summits where the ?problem? of how to develop a global tax was a major item of discussion. The United Nations has long wished to carve out a way to finance its activities independent of the dues of member states."

Germany's finance minister Hans Eichel didn't hear any opposition to a global tax from the G8 political elites a few days ago. Well, it's time that Mr. Eichel and others of his kind hear opposition from Americans: "No U.N. tax!"

Urge your U.S. representative to vote "yes" on the Paul amendment. Send your message now. We have little time. Better yet, send an e-mail and then call. The main Capitol switchboard number is 202-224-3121. Also, please spread the word.

To send your message, go to

Thank you for your help!

Kent Snyder
The Liberty Committee


Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Blah no chance

Do you mean "no chance" that such a tax can be prevented? I agree with you.

In case you mean "no chance" that a global tax will be allowed in the U.S. then here is homework for you.

Find out what slavers said about slavery, in the U.S. and before the Civil War. Think cessation.

Find out what was said in the 60's and 70's about homosexuality being allowed.

Find out what was said about abortion for convenience being allowed.

Shall I continue.

::All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for enough good men to do nothing. - Edmond Burke



Feb 4, 2002
And exactly how would the UN enforce such a tax? They can't, so it's a moot point. If they tried, the US would just pull out of the UN.


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2002
If it will be anywhere near as effective as the UN or the World Bank at distributing money - please count me in. Better yet, tell me how much I owe - so I can burn it and save them the administrative overhead.


Nov 21, 2001
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
And exactly how would the UN enforce such a tax? They can't, so it's a moot point. If they tried, the US would just pull out of the UN.

That's exactly what I was thinking. How in the world are thry going to enforce it? Who's going to collect it? Where will it be forwarded to? What will it be used for?

I really don't see it happening.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Hahaha, this will never happen. The U.S. will never stand for some BS "global tax."


Apr 25, 2001
Not sure if this is a hoax, since it actually appears on Paul's official website. But I think he might be making a lot of noise over nothing, I haven't seen anything that suggests this might happen at some point.