GLADIAC Video In/Out Module 36.99


Junior Member
Dec 30, 2000
This is the best deal i could find, i know everyone got themselves a gladiac at some point :) plz someone find a better deal!!!!



Jan 5, 2000
This is a good price. Problem is they never have it and neither does anyone else. I think the thing to find is who has it in stock. Shop Elsa is out also so doesnt look good.


Platinum Member
Dec 4, 1999
Depending on your needs, you can add TV to your computer and do almost the same thing. I just bought the ATI TV-Wonder card and it ROCKS. For $69.99 (At or less, you can add TV to your system and it's W95/98/ME/2000 compatible.

Instead of placing all the inputs on the card, they opted for a remote hub that has S-Video and Composite Audio (L&R) and video inputs. You can choose external or internal routing of audio with the supplied cords and they have excellent documentation online.

Here is a link to the card.

NOTE: The card I received had the external hub, which is not shown in the photos of the card. Also, the VE version of the card DOES NOT share the same features as the standard TV-Wonder.

I know this doesn't offer a TV out feature, but most video cards today do so that shouldn't be a problem. If you have an older Camcorder and want to do screen captures or create MPEG's, this might be a cheap solution. Firewire and Digital Camcorders are obviously better, but much more expensive.

I hooked my Nintendo 64 up to the hub and was surprised at the video quality. I started looking at the Antec card first, but couldn't find it on their site so I opted for the ATI after scouring their website for info. I was pleased with my choice.


Senior member
Oct 14, 1999
Maverick, this module plugs into a port on the Gladiac cards, however, and is much cheaper as well.


Junior Member
Dec 30, 2000
Ya, only places i've seen it at is computers4sure and elsa's own US website. not to mention this thing has BOTH in AND out and costs less and comes with composite -> svhs adapter...i think its a great deal, i just need to find some place with it in stock/good price ;)


Platinum Member
Dec 4, 1999
The input module plugs into the ATI card as well, I know it doesn't have any out jacks. I only offered it as a solution for input from any AV source as well as the TV capability. And it's in-stock everywhere unlike the Gladiac card.


Golden Member
Nov 9, 2000
Hmmm, EVGA is supposed to be selling their VIVO module for their Nvidia Reference GTS card soon, and from the pics, it looks exactly like the Gladiac VIVO.. Considering that boths cards are based on the reference design, i'm close to positive that the EVga one will also work, check out their website ( It even uses the exact same VIVO chipset (Phillips).



Jan 4, 2001
so maverick, are you happy with your ATI TV-Wonder? Does it capture video and audio? how big are the stills that it captures?


May 14, 2000
I actually have both the Elsa Gladiac GeForce GTS 2 and the ATI TV-Wonder. If I got this module, and I wanted to run a Dreamcast through my computer, would their be any visual differences between running it through the TV-Wonder and running it through the module?



Platinum Member
Dec 4, 1999
I love my ATI card, the only screen capture I have done so far is from TV, and it does a respectable job at 320X240. Through the S-Video and/or composite audio/video inputs you can hook up any video device (camcorder, Game Console, VCR) and play the video on your computer. The SW also includes a media player and a VCD player, although I am unable to test this as I don't have a VCD disk.

NOTE: I have W2K and the drivers for W2K are beta so some of the features for video editing are disabled/discouraged when you start them up. I have not encountered any problems with the normal use of the TV card, nor any of the other features except when I did a TV capture for 30 seconds (6mb a sec) and the video was good but the sound was garbled. That may be a hardware issue, but the main fact is: If you want to unlock all of the card's video features right now you need to be using W98/ME.

Still a cheap way to get video from an older Camcorder into your computer, or hook up your PSX or N64 and dust off those old games. The TV feature is flawless, it even picks up Showtime when none of my other (analog and Digital) outlets receive it. For the price I paid, 69.99 overnighted free from, I am pleased with the performance and interface. ( has the same card for 7 bucks less, but I wanted it right away and Onvia's outlook is sketchy)

So what I am really saying is that this is a well supported TV card, which is why I bought it. It was a little more than the others, but the Online support and detail on the ATI site sold me. You be the judge.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I own the Elsa VIVO module. I ordered mine way back when ShopElsa had them for Pre-Order. So I was one of the first to get one. All I can say is, unless you're using Windows 9x or ME, this thing is useless. ELSA doesn't have Windows 2000 drivers that have the ELSA Tools included, so you can't really utilitize this VIVO module. You can probably use the TV Out using the Nvidia reference drivers, but you can't use the Video In *at all* ... In Windows 9x/ME, the latest drivers that include the ELSA Tools are the Nvidia Reference Drivers v5.30! Their "official" Windows 2000 drivers say "NOTE: This driver was designed for full functionality under Windows 2000 RC3 (Build 2183) or newer only!" ELSA hasn't actually updated their own drivers since around September. I don't know what is going on with driver support, but I would really like to see Detonator 3 (6.xx) drivers available with the ELSA Tools, and Windows 2000 support!!! Don't quote me on the dates of the last driver update and the latest version that ELSA has released because their web site is down right now! They did release Detonator 3 beta (v6.34) drivers, but they do *not* include the ELSA Tools, all they are is basically Nvidia Reference Drivers. Please note that this card is perfectly fine with Nvidia Reference drivers, but you cannot get full functionality with the VIVO module, without ELSA's drivers.

Update: Got onto their web site and corrected my errors.


Senior member
Oct 14, 1999
Thanks for the info, LiQiCE. That might make the ATI stuff a little bit better value.
OT, what the hell are these companies thinking, only supporting 2k "in beta?" A year from now, when everthing and everbody move to (aka Whistler), they are gonna be scrambling not to p.o. regular 98/ME customers who upgrade and those who buy it preloaded.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
I am not trying to defend any of the manufacturers they usually stink when it come to supporting the customers but just for Clarity.

Every Video card that uses nVidia GPU is released with the manufacture drivers that support all the functions of the card. When nVidia releases drivers, whether beta or WHQL, they release plain Vanilla drivers i.e. the drivers operate only the simple video function of the cards, and none of the additional functions like TV Video in/out. DH etc.

That is true for all card brand names (not just Elsa). nVidia cannot support whatever extra uses individual card manufactures add to the card.

It is up to the Card Manufacture to provide the special drivers for the ?add-ons?. The manufactures don?t rush to update the special drivers each time nVidia issue new drivers (especially that most of them are beta or leaked).

So as in the Gladiac example, the drivers that support extra functions (TV in out), are based on nVidia ref. 530, the most recent nVidia ref. are the 649. Whether there is really significant difference between 530 and 649, it is your call, for what I do with my computer it does not matter.

Using Gladiac with TV in/out, and 530 drivers will still be less taxing on the system then using drivers 649, and adding more hardware (in the form of ATI card).


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

I agree that it may not be extremely important to provide a new version of the ELSA Drivers for Windows 9x, but I feel it is pretty awful that there is no drivers which support the VIVO module in Windows 2000. Windows 2000 is not really a new operating system, it has been out for almost a year now. ELSA has not released any new drivers for their Gladiac GTS, Gladiac MX, or Gladiac Ultra since September of 1999 Funny, the Gladiac Ultra card itself is newer than the drivers they provide on their web site! :) In any case, I just wanted to warn anyone purchasing the VIVO module, that the drive support for it right now is absolutely horrible.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
anyone want to sell me one fore cheap so i can get some tvout on my asus 7700?

PM me will yah?



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
LiQiCE or anyone else with the VIVO module: Could you confirm that the video out will work with the reference drivers in either Win2K or 9X/ME? It would probably be worth it just for the video out for me, then I'll get a separate capture card.

Also, for anyone with a TV Wonder card: Are you limited by the resolution you can capture video at (ie, it can only go to 320*240)? Also, can you capture in any format (mpeg, avi) using something like VirtualDub? Those were some questions/issues that scared me away from the TV Wonder when I looked at it earlier. Thanks.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I don't have a TV near my computer to test it (I'm at school, so no TV in here) ... So I can't verify if the TV out works with the reference drivers, although I have heard that it does in fact work. Anyone know for sure?


Junior Member
Dec 30, 2000
I still am using my Viper II (savage2000) and it has video out, which always seemed to work even with standard vga adapter as the driver. (showed boot screens, etc.) as should be expected. I don't see why any tv out features wouldn't work. tv IN however...i think that's gotta take programs/tools/etc.


Senior member
Dec 31, 2000
Does the VIVO module even exist?? Elsa dosent have it avalible, no other store does. Im wondering if it is avalible period. Does anyone have one?
