Give me a break! as seen on 20/20


Feb 13, 2000
This is a quote from Anandtech Moderator:


On October 18, we posted a reminder thread about begging for coupon codes. So far, we have found at least 19 requests for the link to your own page with the scan of a Staples $50 off $200 coupon, most of which you replied to. That is a direct violation of our rules. Also, the reproduction on your page states that copies/facsimiles are not allowed. This constitutes fraud.

You are banned from our forums. Everyone who PM'd you to request your link to the coupon has won two weeks elsewhere. We really wish all of you had taken our warning post seriously.

AnandTech Moderator"

Dear Mr. Moderator,

Since this forum is titled 'Hot Deals' we should all expect a hot deal, including coupons. So why don't you give us all a break about the coupon posting. If this is such a problem for you why don't you cancel the 'Hot Deal' forum all together. Stop your bitching and harasment of your faithful anandtechers.... after all if it where not for 'us' you would not even have a forum with people posting information..... so take your sorry little 'cheese dick' threats elsewhere.... and as stated on 20/20 'Give me a break!'.

Yours truly,


p.s. oh, forgot to mention, Jack-ass!

Have fun posting somewhere else

AnandTech "Jackass" Moderator