I don't think women are the problem with society. Its us men who act stupid around them. Take for instance the Child Support system. We take over half of a mans GROSS income and give it to the women despite how much he makes, or how well off she is. Then we tax the hell out of him again on his GROSS income. We essentially pay her to raise our children. The men say, "oh look; she's crying", and award her more money. Any time there is a domestic dispute, oh lets say the man is being beaten to a pulp, he may push her away, or do nothing but call the police... Guess who go's to jail most of the time? I was being stalked and harassed on the phone and online. A message board that I had been using for a long time all of the sudden turned on me when she showed up there. I had been very helpful to the board until then. Men just tend to take the women's side of the story all the time. It us we should be looking at, because its our own kind that is giving us the shaft!