Jump up and down stomping your feet and tell her games are not for babies. Then storm out of the room slaming the door on your way out, then run to your room crying. When she comes to your room to say she is sorry, tell her to bite you and leave you alone she is a doo doo head and turn the radio up full blast, put your fingers in your ears while going "LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU DOO DOO HEAD, LA LA LA!"
But seriously she trying to change you man. Im 35, I still paly games, I play geames with my wife, I will continue to play video games till I die. they are fun and IMO there is no age limit. Just keep playing and find you a diffent girl. If shes on your ass about a video game now, whats next later down the road???? No kitty cat is worth being told what to, especially before your even married. Plenty of tuna in the sea and there is always Rosie to fall back on till then.