GF 4 Ti 4600 problems


Junior Member
Nov 13, 2001
I just recently got a computer up and running with a GF 4 Ti 4600 in it and it seemed to work great in most things, but I was running 3Dmark 2001 SE on it and I noticed an odd slowdown in the Nature scores. I was only getting a score of 18 fps (at 1024x768), but from what I've seen around that should be more like 40 shouldn't it? I have 3Dmark running at the default setting and I don't have any anti-aliasing or anisteropic filtering on, so why is it so slow? I also noticed a slowdown in the vertex shader test, could this be the problem?

If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them, I've tried both the latest beta and official drivers.

AMD Athlon XP 2100+
Gigabyte GA-7VRXP (KT333)
Geforce 4 Ti 4600
512 MB OCZ PC3000
Maxtor 40 GB 7200 RPM ATA133
SoundBlaster Audigy
DTT 2200 5.1
16x DVD
8x/4x/24x CD-RW
Lian-Li PC60
Enermax 350 watt
Windows 98 SE