Getting used to multifocal contacts is the suck!

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Feb 23, 2005
Ive worn glasses long as I remember. Ive wanted to try contacts, but since I have progressive glasses I didnt think contacts would be an option. Optometrist suggested I try multifocals.

Well today is the first day with them and OMG. Sometimes distance is clear but close up is blurry, sometimes the other way around. Ugh. I know it takes time for your eyes and brain to adjust, but has anyone here been through this? How was the transition?

Carson Dyle

Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2012
I've been nearsighted since I was a kid and began wearing contacts about 20 years ago. Then my near field vision very gradually began getting worse. Didn't really affect much until maybe 10 years ago, but now I can't use a smart phone or read even the largest print without reading glasses when I have my contacts in. Without my contacts, I can read fine print six inches from my eyes. What I really need to do is go back to glasses, then remove them to read anything.

It never even occurred to me to try multifocal contact lenses. I just always have the reading glasses with me now. I can't even read the prices on a grocery shelf without them.


Jun 19, 2000
After not having had contacts for decades I recently gave them a go. I left with a multifocal option and also contacts where I could also use just one for a monovision option, both to try before returning for the two week checkup. I should have just nixed the multifocal option from the beginning because I wasn't happy with my distance vision and I couldn't read fine enough print well. The problem with multifocal lenses is that they are by their nature a compromise. To see well at a distance, close up vision will be compromised and vice versa.

Ultimately I went back to my glasses. Although I really liked the two lens option, (the monovision I didn't like so much) I needed correction for both reading and the computer. I would have needed progressive lenses with correction for the computer at the top and reading at the bottom. In other words I was still pretty much always going to be wearing glasses anyway plus having to carry them around.

I've got cataracts forming so eventually I will have to have that corrected and the whole game will have to start anew anyway. Might as well stay with the status quo until then.
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Jun 19, 2000
Well today is the first day with them and OMG. Sometimes distance is clear but close up is blurry, sometimes the other way around.
That doesn't sound right. It almost sounds like the contacts are moving around on your cornea. You should give the eye doctor a call IMO.
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