getting my wisodm teeth pulled


Senior member
Mar 25, 2003
I just found out i have to get all 4 of my teeth pulled :eek:

And my bottom 2 are really bad, so they think I am going to have to go under general anastesia... Which happens to be my biggest fear ever! I don't know why, but the thought of being "forced" to go to sleep scares me more then anything. I am afarid I am going to try and fight it, or somehting is going to go wrong.

I have actually always had trouble sleeping in general, and I refuse to go on medication for it for this reason as well. Am I crazy? Who else has had theirs done, was it too bad?


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
I just had it done over Thanksgiving break.

It felt sooo much better afterwards! I was in the same situation as you. Bottom two were impacted, top two were out but still bulging into the other teeth.

The anesthesia wasn't bad at all. They put a needle in (which doesn't hurt at all) and then they give you sodium penathol :) It feels great. You just start to get really warm and then you get all sleepy.

I didn't feel a thing. Don't be worried at all. The pain wasn't really that bad afterwards either. It was slightly sore for half the day afterwards and I felt nothing after that. I didn't even have to take the vicodin they gave me.

Good luck! You'll be fine!



Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2001
I had all four of mine taken out. It is not bad at all. You go under really quick and it is blissful sleep.
When you wake-up, people react differently. Some people will be crying and disturbed. I was being kinda goofy and hit'in on the nurse.
Your face is swollen, packed with cotton, they give you prescriptions for pain pills and you are out the door.
No solid food for 2 days. NO STRAWS!!! Just take it easy and you will be back on your feet in no time!!!


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
I had 4 done at once in 2000. They used only a local - I don't even know if they do generals that often anymore in Canada for wisdom teeth.

I was eating a burger the next day. It was painless overall. Yes the bloody gauze in my mouth at the time sucked but overall a pretty easy procedure.


Senior member
Feb 27, 2003
I went under general. It was not bad.

The after-effects were. One of the extracted areas got infected and my face puffed up. It sucked.



Senior member
Mar 25, 2003
Yeah, I am also afarid about the after effects.. They never really bothered me till recently, so I didn't bother to get them removed. But I am graduating from college in May, and lose my dental coverage the day I graduate, so I need to get them removed before then. But this also means I have finals etc, and I need to pass to graduate and go to grad school! So if their is a complications I am screwed.

I know it's an everyday thing, and there are hardly ever any problems.. but it doesn't ease my fear. Am i stupid to be afarid of it? Is there anything I can do to ease my anxiety?

And thanks for the positive stories!


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 1999
I had all 4 taken out a while back. I had an injection and was out in 10 secs or less. Man that was a great nap, my mouth was a little sore but the next day I was fine.

Doh my hands are too slow not catching up to the thoughts in my head.


Golden Member
Feb 20, 2001
are you letting the dentist do it or are you getting an oral surgeon. I heard that makes all the difference in the world.


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 1999
I got my yanked at the end of Sept, '02. It was craptacular!

I went under general anasthesia. Don't worry, you won't fight it because there is nothing you can do about it. It's really trippy.

I had my bottom two teeth impacted into my jaw...yeah, that sucked - worst kind of impaction you could ask for. My top two were perfectly fine and the top of my mouth was alright in about a day or two. However, the bottom of my mouth was a mess and I didn't eat anything remotely solid for a week - then I ate mac and cheese...extremely slowly. :eek: After 2 weeks or so I was eating fairly normally again - just a little slower to make sure nothing got stuck in the grooves.

Eh, it's a sucky experience, but it's better than being in pain.

I had a pretty extreme case though - odds are you'll recover a lot faster than I did. My friends that have had their wisdom teeth pulled all had a much easier time of it - one of my friends was eating mac and cheese 2 days after and was eating normally after about 5 days.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2001
You want an Oral surgeon to do the operation.
You should not be worried. You will be out of it for 3 days max.
Just make sure you keep your mouth clean and you won't have anything to worry about.
You will get meds to make you feel better, but you definitely can't study while taking them so
get it done ASAP...


Diamond Member
May 24, 2000
blahhhhhhhhhhhh. i'm scared to get my wisdom teeth out too. :( my bottom two are impacted as well but they don't hurt. i know i shouldn't wait, but i'm gonna wait til i start feeling pain and it gets unbearable
i'm a wuss!!!!


Senior member
Mar 25, 2003
Well, mine are horizontal on the bottom. I know the top isn;t bad other then they are crowding my teeth, so need to be removed. But the bottom.. ick.. I go for my consultation on tues, so I'll know more baout just how bad they are then, but my dentist didn't sound happy about them.

Oh, and I am going to an oral surgeon... what a pain in the butt! I have to get dental and medical referrals and and all kinds of info etc! I feel like I am going through hoops already.


Jan 23, 2001
My dentist told me I could keep mine if I want. So I said "alright" and didn't have them removed.

I think he might have made a mistake though... three of them seem to be fine. I can feel them coming in, and they are coming in just like another tooth, to the side of the last ones.

But I can't even feel one of them (the top left one)... I hope it isn't impacted somewhere.


Senior member
Mar 25, 2003
It's probably just not there...

I can actually feel mine on the bottom, and thought that was ormal, until I saw the X-ray, and it ws the SIDE of the tooth coming through the gum... scary.


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 1999
It's really not that bad at all. It was just sore for a couple days afterwards, but it never really hurt.

The hassle for me was that after everything I ate, I had to make sure no food residue was inside the place where they removed the teeth. They gave me this little plastic syringe thing that squirts water and after everything I ate I have to spray water at it to make sure the hole in my gums was free of gunk.


Senior member
Mar 25, 2003
ewwwwwww.. great.

I'll just gargle listerene alot... lol. Hmm. If my jaw didn't hurt so friggin much I wouldn't bother. I was under alot of stress, and htought it was me clenching my jaw thatit was hurting, now I am fine, but it still hurts! My dentisit is like nope, sorry, it's your wisdom teeth that are causing the pain. I actually want them out now! But not to have the surgery. Just give me the percs!


Senior member
Aug 16, 2001
general anesthia = best sleep ever

i just got 4 pulled out 3 weeks ago, wouldnt mind doing it again just for the sleep


Jan 8, 2002
If you get it pulled out by someone who does the job good, it shouldn't hurt afterwards.

I got mines pulled out by a really good doctor who knew what he was doing. Therefore, it didn't hurt aftewards.

If you need to take the pain killers then you know your doctor messed up somewhere down the line.

I didn't have to take any of the pain killers he gave me.

PS this quick reply is better.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: 4Lclovergirl
It's probably just not there...

I can actually feel mine on the bottom, and thought that was ormal, until I saw the X-ray, and it ws the SIDE of the tooth coming through the gum... scary.

Not there? You mean some just don't come in?

That would be a relief!


Diamond Member
May 2, 2001
It hurts so much and you will cry every day for weeks from the pain....

Its actually really nothing to worry about, I didn't go under to get mine done, but it doesn't hurt as much as some people say it does as long as you have a good doctor.


Senior member
Mar 25, 2003
Originally posted by: datalink7
Originally posted by: 4Lclovergirl
It's probably just not there...

I can actually feel mine on the bottom, and thought that was ormal, until I saw the X-ray, and it ws the SIDE of the tooth coming through the gum... scary.

Not there? You mean some just don't come in?

That would be a relief!

Exactally, some people just don't have all grow in, some people have none grow in! OTOH, I know someone who had 5! :Q


Senior member
Feb 20, 2001
Seems like people have a wide range of experience.

I remember getting mines done. For some reason, I thought it was nothing to worry about and just drove over to my dentist's office. I was sitting around waiting, not even nervous when it was finally my turn. I went in, and the dentist says to the nurse, he says "Prep him for surgery." The word "surgery" sent warning signals to my brain I guess. I don't even think I said anything, I just gave in. I had local anesthesia done, the event itself is etched in my memory, but I was able to drive away right after it. No drugs taken afterwards, no solid foods, and a lot of my friends making fun of me.

I don't know about local vs general, but it seems like people who have general have a much easier time. I'm not sure what health plan I was under at the time, but I think the cost is what prohibited me from having general. All the people I spoke with afterwards that had local done remember just about everything about the operation and it tends not to be pleasant. Just my experience...


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: 4Lclovergirl
Originally posted by: datalink7
Originally posted by: 4Lclovergirl
It's probably just not there...

I can actually feel mine on the bottom, and thought that was ormal, until I saw the X-ray, and it ws the SIDE of the tooth coming through the gum... scary.

Not there? You mean some just don't come in?

That would be a relief!

Exactally, some people just don't have all grow in, some people have none grow in!


OTOH, I know someone who had 5! :Q



Senior member
Mar 25, 2003
Great... so for my cnsultation I should say i want general? This is my fear, but I don't want to be in pain either! Ahhhhhh!


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2003
Trust me you'll be fine. Having your wisdom teeth extracted is a very common surgery that any oral surgeon can perform and most general dentists can. I would advise you that if you are having a general dentist do the extractions you ask him/her a variety of questions. Such as: How close are my mandibular (referring to the lower jaw) teeth to the inferior alveolar nerve? (It is a risk of third molar extractions that the surgeon may damage the nerve the supplies the lower jaw and tongue. This can result in temporary or even permanent parathesia [numbness]) I am not trying to scare you but if your teeth are in a close proximity to the nerve than you defiantly want an oral surgeon to take the teeth out.

Post-operative pain is something that most patients will experience. This can be controlled through medication like Tylenol #3, codeine or
other analgesics. The post-operative pain and swelling will be the greatest 12-15 hours after the surgery with symptoms sharply declining from there.

General Anesthesia is something to be concerned about but not scared. There is always a risk when undergoing anesthesia but as long as you have disclosed all pertinent information to your surgeon (BTW if you are using general anesthesia than I would say you should go to an oral surgeon no questions asked) such as allergies and currents medications. Even though it may be uncomfortable (i.e. your parents are around) you have to tell your surgeon about and recreational drugs that you are taking. Surgeons do this all day every day. You will be just fine.

I would go as far to say that this is pretty much a simple routine surgery. Rest easy.

Links for more info (power): anesthesia, wisdom teeth, another wisdom teeth page, wisdom teeth FAQ:)