Getting into photography


Golden Member
Dec 30, 2005

I want to pick up a cheap, reliable Digital Camera so I can start practicing photography as another trivial hobby to back up my web design. I don't want to spend too much on a camera plus lenses since I'm prioritizing money for college/moving out soon, but I'd like to buy something that isn't going to take shit pictures that are worse than photos from my HD MAXX phone camera. I'd also like a camera that isn't incredibly expensive because I'd hate to see it get damaged or lost when I take photos in the rain, in dusty conditions and other extreme conditions I find myself in all the time. Since I have no idea about how/what to get, I figured I'd ask ATOT for once instead of my well-off clients who will suggest some $500 super-quality no-accessories included DSLR or something.

TLDR: suggest me a cheap digital cameras that take good, not-so-bad pictures with the ability to do unique things with lenses and angles. Also any links to basic camera articles would be greatly appreciated. Any insight into why you suggest your choice cheap camera would help me learn overall about the hobby as well.

Edit: just realized we have a proprietary section for this (Digital and Video Cameras). Man, I learn something new on Anandtech every day :p Still would love to hear what ATOT thinks.

Moved from OT

Anandtech Administrator
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Golden Member
Dec 30, 2005
Point and shoot, mirror less, DSLR, or FF DSLR?

Oh god I have no idea. I want to take photos in general: landscape photos, scenery, rarely portrait photography. Think random Iphone-esque photos (forests, buildings, viewpoints from hills/places) that I can actually work with because they aren't terrible resolution and have a higher quality. I want whatever I purchase to be multi-faceted with the help of a few lenses, accessories, or etc. I'm just looking for a camera in which it's comfortable enough for me to use in which I can get excited about taking more photographs. I don't want to deal with religious monthly maintenance, or having 700 lenses to do "a few different shots", or having a 500$ piece of equipment in a bag that I need to baby when I'm out/tape it to myself when around town. If you have an article to explain camera types like I'm a child, I'd love to see the difference between the cameras. I've looked up a few guides but they always start rambling about things like 35mm, which I know about but not enough to hear it rattled off with other numbers and make a conclusion that it's better than Y piece of equipment.

TLDR (again): Looking for a camera that's fun, quality, and easy to use. If "the optimal camera for my situation" is too expensive (300+$) then I'd obviously be looking at either a used model on Clist/Ebay, or just hold off. I don't want to pay an arm and a leg for a camera when I could spend all the cash on a new video card, but if ATOT says to get a 300+$ complex camera, I'll just hold off and do it right.
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Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
I recently bought a Nikon D7000 (DSLR) along with other accessories off a coworker for about 1k. You can always check ebay and similar sites for people selling off some equipment. If that's too much you can look at just point and shoot but you wont get to play with settings like shutter speed, aperture, ISO etc.

There's also a new iphone coming out, it probably has a better camera than the last generation. Buy a tent and get in line. :p

Disclaimer: If you do go the DSLR route I may not be held liable for excess spending on lenses and accessories. It is addicting.


Dec 13, 2013
Disclaimer: If you do go the DSLR route I may not be held liable for excess spending on lenses and accessories. It is addicting.

my mom uses canon

the lenses are expensive as holy shit

no sure what mirrorless are

buy a entry model dslr

does he need a full frame dslr

thought those were expensive like rotting batshit


Golden Member
Dec 30, 2005
Disclaimer: If you do go the DSLR route I may not be held liable for excess spending on lenses and accessories. It is addicting.
This is pretty much my fear right now. I have the money, but I also have a tendency to buy something overkill for my skill-level and then wonder why I need such an expensive tool for what I do. I'm starting to think it might be best to take baby steps into photography. I can't afford to drop $1,000 on something that won't bring in that amount of money through work or just enjoyment, compared to several other projects I have lined up that need say $200-300 investment that are equally enjoyable and won't turn me into a photog-freak within weeks of purchase. I'd also like to not have expensive distractions like $100+ lenses.
Camera and Lens Buying Guides

Once you peruse through the above link, then pick a used camera when you have a better idea of what you want.

Thanks, I'm reading it right now.
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Golden Member
Mar 25, 2003
I got an entry level Pentax dslr. Can use every k mount lens ever made, and some very goods ones can be found pretty cheap.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2009
I recently bought a Nikon D7000 (DSLR) along with other accessories off a coworker for about 1k. You can always check ebay and similar sites for people selling off some equipment. If that's too much you can look at just point and shoot but you wont get to play with settings like shutter speed, aperture, ISO etc.

There's also a new iphone coming out, it probably has a better camera than the last generation. Buy a tent and get in line. :p

Disclaimer: If you do go the DSLR route I may not be held liable for excess spending on lenses and accessories. It is addicting.
The bolded part is true for me.

2 years ago I purchased my first DSLR (and with in 3 months of buying spree. I got the 5D mkII, 3 L lenses, 14mm lens, 580ex II flash, battery grip, bag, and filters) that set me back over $7K.

And, today I just pulled the trigger on the Canon 70-200L F/2.8 IS II even those I already own the F/4 IS version. Instead of getting a couples of bicycles for the GF & I (my GF is not exactly happy with my purchasing choice at the moment).

That said,
You can pick up a decent used DSLR and 50mm or kit lens for quite a reasonable price.
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Golden Member
Dec 30, 2005
Sigh, looks like I'm saving up for a week and gonna get a Pentax or another good 400$+ DSLR. I like the idea of Mirrorless, but I'd rather just get something that has a large amount of history and users behind it.

I'll be checking craigslist/ebay as well: is there anything I should avoid when checking used? Should I just get "body only" or buy it with lenses used? I'd bring a photography friend with me but I just wanted second opinions/not to look like a nub when purchasing.

Thanks again for the advice guys :)


Platinum Member
Jul 6, 2010
I recently bought a Nikon D7000 (DSLR) along with other accessories off a coworker for about 1k. You can always check ebay and similar sites for people selling off some equipment. If that's too much you can look at just point and shoot but you wont get to play with settings like shutter speed, aperture, ISO etc.

There's also a new iphone coming out, it probably has a better camera than the last generation. Buy a tent and get in line. :p

Disclaimer: If you do go the DSLR route I may not be held liable for excess spending on lenses and accessories. It is addicting.

I can confirm this... wallet has not been safe since... D:


Dec 13, 2013
Instead of getting a couples of bicycles for the GF & I

no way would i spend more money on cameras instead of a bike

what brand?

right now i am using a schwinn moab i bought for 50

what brand should i buy

trek seems like the everlast of mountian bikes


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2009
Used Canon EOS Rebel T3 + 18-55mm IS II for $299.

A used Nikon DSLR is the only other manufacture that I would look at if you want to get a DSLR, because of the supports that you get with Canon and Nikon (lenses, and accessories).

In the film days I have owned;
Large format - Linhof
Medium format - Mamiya, Hoga, (used Bronicas, Hasselblads, Yashica).
35mm - 2 Canon F1, AE-1, AV-1, EOS-630, EOS-10s, Olympus T3, Pentax K-1000, PZ-1, (used Nikon FM2 & F3, and Yashica FX-3).

The cameras manufactures that I have own and used are still available, however most are dying or are disappeared except for Canikon because those 2 companies have large selection lenses and accessories behind them as well as their serious commitment of photography.

PS. The K-1000 was a heavy camera for a 35mm but it took all of the abuses that I doled out to it, so as the rest of the other cameras. I won the Pentax PZ-1 & the piece of trash 28-105mm power zoom in 1993 that I immediately gave it away to my sister because the EOS-630 & EOS-10s and the 50mm + Canon 28-105mm was lighter, faster AF, and sharper.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2009
no way would i spend more money on cameras instead of a bike

what brand?

right now i am using a schwinn moab i bought for 50

what brand should i buy

trek seems like the everlast of mountian bikes
I'm not so familiar with bikes, because I gave up racing years ago. However, I still have an old Specialized Allez Comp steel frame and Shimano 105 thrasher bike that still holding up quite well even those I have put close to 50,000Kms on it.


Apr 5, 2002
Get a used dSLR on craigslist. Their prices have plummeted the last few years due to ever increasing technology and lower costs for new cameras.

$300 will get you a nice dSLR that is only ~5 years old technology.

You can probably get a Canon XSi for <$300 with 1-2 lenses.


Platinum Member
Feb 25, 2005
I see you found the correct forum.

First thing with a purchase is to define your budget.

Once you figure out how much you want to spend, you need to figure out how big of a camera you want.

Any point and shoot will take better pictures than your cell phone. If you get an interchangeable lens camera (mirrorless, DSLR,) be aware that your lens expenditures will end up being a lot more than your camera body over time.

In general, because you're saying $500 is more than you need, figure your budget, find the smallest camera with the biggest sensor that fits in your budget, and make sure you have the zoom options and controllability options you want. is a great site that reviews cameras from all price ranges.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2012
I'd say get a Sigma DP-whatever and suffer the frustration that comes with it, while paying out of your nose.
Because frustration makes your work harder.


Oct 24, 2000
I would check out the Buy/Sell forum at Lot's of upstanding photogs selling their equipment.

Look for a used Canon 5D Classic in good condition for under $500. For a starter portrait lens, look no further then the Canon 85 1.8 USM for around $300 used. I'd then look for a prime lens on the wide angle side that fits your budget. A 24, 28, or 35mm. If you can enjoy and master two prime lenses and one old full-frame camera body then you are ready to move up the ladder.

It's not a cheap hobby. My last lens, the Canon 24-70 2.8L II, was a $2200 investment bought in early 2013. But the nice, "L" lenses do hold their value for resale. I've even profited from resale.


Golden Member
Dec 30, 2005
I would check out the Buy/Sell forum at Lot's of upstanding photogs selling their equipment.

Look for a used Canon 5D Classic in good condition for under $500. For a starter portrait lens, look no further then the Canon 85 1.8 USM for around $300 used. I'd then look for a prime lens on the wide angle side that fits your budget. A 24, 28, or 35mm. If you can enjoy and master two prime lenses and one old full-frame camera body then you are ready to move up the ladder.

It's not a cheap hobby. My last lens, the Canon 24-70 2.8L II, was a $2200 investment bought in early 2013. But the nice, "L" lenses do hold their value for resale. I've even profited from resale.

Wow, that's.........a bit shocking. I thought the camera itself was the main investment. Now I'm tempted to do like you said and just piece together a proper setup to last me....but then we get into thousands instead of hundreds.

Atleast this hobby is more useful in the long run than paintballing, radio-controlled anything, or other needless money-throwing hobbies.

I see you found the correct forum.

First thing with a purchase is to define your budget.

Once you figure out how much you want to spend, you need to figure out how big of a camera you want.

Any point and shoot will take better pictures than your cell phone. If you get an interchangeable lens camera (mirrorless, DSLR,) be aware that your lens expenditures will end up being a lot more than your camera body over time.

In general, because you're saying $500 is more than you need, figure your budget, find the smallest camera with the biggest sensor that fits in your budget, and make sure you have the zoom options and controllability options you want. is a great site that reviews cameras from all price ranges.

Well I wanted to stay under 300$ but I don't think that is happening now with the feedback I've been given. I'd rather just score a complete package for 500$ used off some professional with a few lenses or something, rather than buy a 300$ body off craigslist/ebay and then end up getting to 500$.

Oh great, another "artist" in the world.

OK? I do webwork and I like being able to say everything was made by me. I can't get free-sourced, local background shots at high enough caliber to do more modern layouts that involve 1440P+ because of not having a reliable camera and having to ask friends to come out and take pictures for me. I guess you can call me an artist just as much as I can call you an artist for "crafting" fast food at whatever shitty fast food place you clearly work at.
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Feb 8, 2000
I'd start with a cheapo DSLR like a Canon T3. I've seen it for $300-ish on sale.

The only reason I'd suggest a DSLR because I don't think sub-$200 point and shoots offer the ability to mess with stuff like shutter size, speed, and whatever. More expensive ones do, but the ones I know of are over $300, which are in the same price range as entry level DSLRs.

Other "more like DSLR" type, lighter cameras I've read about are the Canon G16, Sony RX100, and Canon S120. Their sensor sizes are bigger than regular P&S but aren't even basic DSLR size, IIRC. I'd still for a DSLR just for the bigger sensor size.

P.S. Don't forget to factor in the "I may never really get into it then have a $500 camera sitting in a bag". Start cheap to minimize the cost in case that happens.


Oct 24, 2000
I started with a 35mm B&W photo class back in 1997 or so. I bought my first P&S camera in 2002 (Canon S10) then my first prosumer camera (Canon G2) in 2004 or so and then my first APS-C DSLR (Canon EOS-20D) in 2005 and finally my first full-frame DSLR (Canon EOS-5D II) in 2010.

As far as I am concerned, until you get to a full-frame sensor which allows you proper depth of field, especially at small focal lengths, then you are just fighting the technology. APS-C DSLRs really suffer in this regard. P&S and prosumer cameras are just too slow, have too few options, have small sensors that get noisy at high ISOs, etc. My advice is to cut to the chase and get a used full-frame DSLR. The Canon 5D Classic is the oldest and cheapest out there. Learning to use prime lenses that offer constant apertures of around 1.4/1.8, are fixed focal length and force you to zoom and be creative with your feet, will force you up a steeper, more creative learning curve that IF you can master will really position you above many amateurs.
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Golden Member
Sep 30, 2013
according to my mom pentax is not that great of a brand

not my opinion

i would just go with a canon or nikon

try the canon eos rebel t3 or the nikon d3100

Because Pentax embarrasses entry level Canon and Nikon cameras with beautiful pentaprism viewfinders, weather sealing (like the pro D4/1Dx) Sony sensors (like Nikon) and built in image stabilization

Pentax is not the popular choice, they are kinda the Subaru of cameras...many valid reasons to get a Pentax, different doesn't mean bad.