Getting into Bonsai trees as a hobby

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Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2010
I have always been fascinated by Bonsai trees, and am looking for a new hobby that involves the natural world to balance out my computer / technology hobbies.

Any Bonsai experts here that could provide some tips on where to start from a noob perspective? I am guessing a good start would be to buy a small bonsai start and learn from that.

Any tips and pointers are welcome, thank you.


Diamond Member
Apr 10, 2008
Getting started with BonsaiIf you’re using a Mac the good news is that Bonsai is dirt simple to get running. To install Bonsai, open and run sudo gem install bonsai.

Bonsai has a built in web server, so you won’t need to fiddle about with any other software.

Once installed typing bonsai --help will display a list of available options.

$ bonsai --help  

bonsai, tiny and beautiful

  --plant [NAME]

To create the required framework for your new site, use bonsai --plant jasper, the generator will create your framework in ./jasper.

The Bonsai generator will create an index page, .htaccess for apache, base.less and a default mustache template.

If you’re uninterested in using less, simply rename your base.less file to base.css.

Any .less or .sass files added to the public/ directory will be processed with less and sass respectively.

You don’t have to use mustache either - Bonsai uses ”Tilt”, to use another templating engine, simply change the file extension.

To use Bonsai’s built in server while building your website. Run bonsai --cultivate from within your generated framework (cd ./jasper). your web browser of choice will open.

When you save, add or remove files bonsai --cultivate will also process your assets (images, js, and css).

Bonsai decides to give you some defaults using tools that I’d consider the best available for a well designed hierarchical site. To get a better grasp of how Bonsai works, plant your first now.


oh - You might want to check out sites like -


Platinum Member
Jan 30, 2001
I consider myself fairly good with plants, but I killed my bonsai in a few weeks. My orchids are tougher than those guys.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Bonsai are beautiful plants, but I don't have time to maintain them. You can't get the watering wrong even once. There are gadgets which will water when needed, but if you plan to do it yourself you are married to them since you can't leave them unattended for more than a few days without automation of some sort.

Look into it, but understand the requirements and your options before proceeding. You might consider orchids or succulents as an alternative, but those have needs specific to the individual species or genera. In other words go for it but become educated first.

You might consider a terrarium. Still requires some upkeep, but it's possible to have a pleasing mix of plants in flower at all times without being afraid to go out to dinner ;)


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I tried it once and over-watered my bonsai. It died of root rot.
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