Getting divorced...


Aug 8, 2004
I just found out a few days ago my wife wants a divorce. She swore up and down there was nobody else involved and this was "in her interests only". Mind you we have a 3 year old daughter, I've never cheated on her, been unfaithful in any way. She blames me smoking weed(which has ALL been thrown away as of a few days ago) and "not having a job" the reasons right. Yet, I'm doing caretaking at an apartment complex which is a 24/7/365 deal while taking care of my daughter at the same time.

So I was dinking around on my computer and came to find cookies from hotmail stored on my computer.....hmmm. So I decided to crack the account and turns out her intent is to get a divorce and blow off her family and everyone thats known and supported her for the past 7 or so years we've been together so she can be with a guy from her work. Who, might I add has a girlfriend, so she blew off her entire life for the most part to be a mistress.......

I read the emails and it literally sounds like something you'd pass to your 16 year old crush, not something an adult would write.

So tomorrow I go to a lawyers office to file for divorce from her. Yay..../end sarcasm

So all of you out there be thankful if you have somebody who treats you well and respects you and or your family.

1. Wife wants a divorce
2. Lied to everyone she knows about her true intentions
3. Blew off her family completely for a...fling.
4. I hate women

I don't want pity or anything like that, just some of you please sit back and be thankful and greatful that you have a significant other that I'd hope wouldn't do this to any of you.


Aug 10, 2002
Haven't we had this one before?
I'm sure there was a very similar thread sometime before :/


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2003
:beer: Good luck man. Make sure you get custody of that daughter!

edit: Oh and I'm not sure what the rules pertaining to this are, but since you're already in her email account save ALL the email records you can for the courts.


Aug 8, 2004
I've got screenshots taken from that email account sitting on 3 different computers, one of them being 1000 miles away from here. lol


Elite Member
Sep 20, 2003
how old are you?

you aren't smoking weed while you are taking care of your child, right?

sorry for your divorce. good luck.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Borealis316
I just found out a few days ago my wife wants a divorce. She swore up and down there was nobody else involved and this was "in her interests only". Mind you we have a 3 year old daughter, I've never cheated on her, been unfaithful in any way. She blames me smoking weed and "not having a job" the reasons right. Yet, I'm doing caretaking at an apartment complex which is a 24/7/365 deal while taking care of my daughter at the same time.

So I was dinking around on my computer and came to find cookies from hotmail stored on my computer.....hmmm. So I decided to crack the account and turns out her intent is to get a divorce and blow off her family and everyone thats known and supported her for the past 7 or so years we've been together so she can be with a guy from her work. Who, might I add has a girlfriend, so she blew off her entire life for the most part to be a mistress.......

I read the emails and it literally sounds like something you'd pass to your 16 year old crush, not something an adult would write.

So tomorrow I go to a lawyers office to file for divorce from her. Yay..../end sarcasm

So all of you out there be thankful if you have somebody who treats you well and respects you and or your family.

1. Wife wants a divorce
2. Lied to everyone she knows about her true intentions
3. Blew off her family completely for a...fling.
4. I hate women

I don't want pity or anything like that, just some of you please sit back and be thankful and greatful that you have a significant other that I'd hope wouldn't do this to any of you.

Um you did print emails and give to your lawyer right?
that will be poison to her in a hearing...


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Sucks about your wife but if you're smoking weed around the house it will be a net loss for you in any divorce proceeding I would think.

Drugs around kids are bad mmm'kay?


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2002
Wow man... I'm sorry...

Hopefully all works out for you, but personally - I'd stick with the divorce even if she changes her mind... Seems like she has other intentions, and you don't want her hurting the child more than once if she decides to go all loopy for a second or third time...

Best of luck man.


Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2005
sucks, we all know she will get everything. hope you come out of this on top some how man


Dec 5, 2000
you smoke weed and its debatable whether you have job or not? yeah, no reason for a divorce there... you're a real winner.


Feb 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Borealis316
1. Wife wants a divorce
2. Lied to everyone she knows about her true intentions
3. Blew off her family completely for a...fling.
4. I hate women

Been there, done that - well, except the pot-smoking no jobedness

Now, two years later when things aren't looking so rosy in post-Armitage land (ie. mental health problems, and most of the money I gave her is gone) she wants the safety net back.

Good luck to you.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2003
Get back into her email and change her password so she will have no chance of deleting those emails.
And I am sorry to hear that you have to go through this ****** man. I can see ditching your husband, people change as do feelings, but your kid too?
People are people, and are not worthy of trust in my opinion. Or perhaps I am just paranoid and bitter about the whole thing.


Feb 23, 2001
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Originally posted by: Borealis316
I just found out a few days ago my wife wants a divorce. She swore up and down there was nobody else involved and this was "in her interests only". Mind you we have a 3 year old daughter, I've never cheated on her, been unfaithful in any way. She blames me smoking weed and "not having a job" the reasons right. Yet, I'm doing caretaking at an apartment complex which is a 24/7/365 deal while taking care of my daughter at the same time.

So I was dinking around on my computer and came to find cookies from hotmail stored on my computer.....hmmm. So I decided to crack the account and turns out her intent is to get a divorce and blow off her family and everyone thats known and supported her for the past 7 or so years we've been together so she can be with a guy from her work. Who, might I add has a girlfriend, so she blew off her entire life for the most part to be a mistress.......

I read the emails and it literally sounds like something you'd pass to your 16 year old crush, not something an adult would write.

So tomorrow I go to a lawyers office to file for divorce from her. Yay..../end sarcasm

So all of you out there be thankful if you have somebody who treats you well and respects you and or your family.

1. Wife wants a divorce
2. Lied to everyone she knows about her true intentions
3. Blew off her family completely for a...fling.
4. I hate women

I don't want pity or anything like that, just some of you please sit back and be thankful and greatful that you have a significant other that I'd hope wouldn't do this to any of you.

Um you did print emails and give to your lawyer right?
that will be poison to her in a hearing...

It won't mean a damn thing in the hearing in most states (no fault). However, his work history (or lack of) and drug habit will be.


Nov 21, 2001
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Originally posted by: Borealis316
I just found out a few days ago my wife wants a divorce. She swore up and down there was nobody else involved and this was "in her interests only". Mind you we have a 3 year old daughter, I've never cheated on her, been unfaithful in any way. She blames me smoking weed and "not having a job" the reasons right. Yet, I'm doing caretaking at an apartment complex which is a 24/7/365 deal while taking care of my daughter at the same time.

So I was dinking around on my computer and came to find cookies from hotmail stored on my computer.....hmmm. So I decided to crack the account and turns out her intent is to get a divorce and blow off her family and everyone thats known and supported her for the past 7 or so years we've been together so she can be with a guy from her work. Who, might I add has a girlfriend, so she blew off her entire life for the most part to be a mistress.......

I read the emails and it literally sounds like something you'd pass to your 16 year old crush, not something an adult would write.

So tomorrow I go to a lawyers office to file for divorce from her. Yay..../end sarcasm

So all of you out there be thankful if you have somebody who treats you well and respects you and or your family.

1. Wife wants a divorce
2. Lied to everyone she knows about her true intentions
3. Blew off her family completely for a...fling.
4. I hate women

I don't want pity or anything like that, just some of you please sit back and be thankful and greatful that you have a significant other that I'd hope wouldn't do this to any of you.

Um you did print emails and give to your lawyer right?
that will be poison to her in a hearing...

That would be illegal wiretapping, unadmissable, and may get him in more hot water that would make a divorce seem like a child's play. Besides, if his state is "no fault" state, it would make zero difference.


Oct 24, 2005
LOL so your wife wants to divorce you because you're an unemployed pothead? Still, cheating is one of the worst sins, I hope you kick her ass in court.


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
I've been there, and I've done that (except for the weed/unemployed thing). My wife was cheating, I suspected the worst, email snooping proved the worst, and divorce ensued.

All I can say is that the pain ended very quickly for me. The worst part was deciding on the divorce. After that, it just gets better. Sure you'll have a couple really bad days (the day of the divorce, the day half your stuff leaves, etc). But it just gets better from now on.

Finding another woman REALLY helps. Think, you get to experience your first kiss again. You get to sleep around again (heck, since you are married you haven't had sex in ages I bet). You get to eat what you want, do what you want, stay up as long as you want, have the home temperature where you want it, be a bachelor, etc. All this, and no more nagging.

I hope you don't live in a no-fault state. Because if you do, those emails are useless. If you live in an at-fault state, get those emails notorized. You'll make a killing at the trial.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: JS80
LOL so your wife wants to divorce you because you're an unemployed pothead? Still, cheating is one of the worst sins, I hope you kick her ass in court.

Whoever wins, the loser is going to be their kid.