Currently I have mutiple ethernet wall jacks all over the house that go down into the basement. Those wall jacks all feed into a gigaport switch. Also in my basment is a comcast telephony modem. My question is if I put my router in the basement the wifi signal will get weaker the further I get a away from it and so will the speed. How can I maintain the 50+mbps that I get when I'm 5 feet away from the router, throughout the entire house?
Currently I have 4 routers, a linksys e2000, an E1000 and 2 wrt54g2. E2000 is what I'm currently using, but it doesnt reach very far and the best speed I can get in it is about 30Mbps. I'm willing to upgrade my router in order reach every corner of my house withouty compromising the speed. Also an FYI I temporarily put in an Apple Airport Extreme and it was doing around 47-50Mbps, so I know I can obtain those speeds.
Currently I have 4 routers, a linksys e2000, an E1000 and 2 wrt54g2. E2000 is what I'm currently using, but it doesnt reach very far and the best speed I can get in it is about 30Mbps. I'm willing to upgrade my router in order reach every corner of my house withouty compromising the speed. Also an FYI I temporarily put in an Apple Airport Extreme and it was doing around 47-50Mbps, so I know I can obtain those speeds.