Geforce2 GTS Compatibility Issue
Motherboard: Tyan Thunderbolt S1837UANG / 440GX / AGP 2X / AMI Bios Version V2.00.09
Windows 98 SE 4.10.2222 A
Pentium III 500Mhz 128Mb
Creative PCI Live Audio Card
I have previously attempted to install a ELSA Gladaic Geforce2 GTS AGP card. I reformated my hard drive and did a clean install with the Gladaic installed to insure there was no driver conflicts with the previous video card (Creative Blaster Exxtreme). I also upgraded my BIOS to the latest revision and installed new Intel 440GX chipset drivers. The Gladaic would not function, but the system would boot to Win98SE. The Device manager indicated error code 24, device not functioning or drivers not installed correctly. The system would revert to the standard VGA driver and disable the Gladaic.
Anyone have any idea what the problem is? Any suggestions?
Obviously I'm looking for an alternative to the Gladaic. Based on this experience will any of the Geforce2 GTS graphics cards work? Any other recommendations?
Motherboard: Tyan Thunderbolt S1837UANG / 440GX / AGP 2X / AMI Bios Version V2.00.09
Windows 98 SE 4.10.2222 A
Pentium III 500Mhz 128Mb
Creative PCI Live Audio Card
I have previously attempted to install a ELSA Gladaic Geforce2 GTS AGP card. I reformated my hard drive and did a clean install with the Gladaic installed to insure there was no driver conflicts with the previous video card (Creative Blaster Exxtreme). I also upgraded my BIOS to the latest revision and installed new Intel 440GX chipset drivers. The Gladaic would not function, but the system would boot to Win98SE. The Device manager indicated error code 24, device not functioning or drivers not installed correctly. The system would revert to the standard VGA driver and disable the Gladaic.
Anyone have any idea what the problem is? Any suggestions?
Obviously I'm looking for an alternative to the Gladaic. Based on this experience will any of the Geforce2 GTS graphics cards work? Any other recommendations?