I've had both GTS and Radeon...initially, I got a Radeon LE overclocked to 190/380...pretty decent 3D speed, great 2D...but then the LE started having graphical glitches in both 2D and 3D (even in the bootup BIOS screen)...so I dumped it and picked up a Leadtek WinFast GTS...the 2D is slightly worse at 1152, the 3D speed was considerably better than Radeon...overclocking the WinFast was pretty disappointing at 215/350 with a BlueOrb + ASII...If you get a Radeon, stay away from the LE model cause my friend bought one and is having similar problems as I did. Also, the Radeon Win2K drivers aren't that great. Has improved a lot from before, but still glitchy in some games. GTS has ultimate compatiblity. I'd go for GTS.