Geforce 6800 Help


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2005
Alright, so. I just recently switched from a Radeon 9800pro, to a Geforce 6800. From all of the reviews and everything that I've read everywhere, the 6800 is supposed to obviously be way better.

So why is it then, that I'm getting slightly less performance out of it than I did with my 9800pro? When running 3dMark05, I used to get about 2500 with my 9800, but now when I run it with the new card, I only get about 1900. I've changed nothing on my computer besides the videocard, and I've installed all of the latest drivers, etc.

I'm sure it's something stupid that I just can't think of right now, but any help on what's going on with my card is appreciated.

The rest of my system is:
A64 3400+
Asus K8V-X Mobo
1GB Corsair RAM


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2001
Did you completely uninstall the 9800 Pro and drivers, then run Driver Cleaner before you installed the 6800?
Have you reinstalled your chipset drivers?

I made that very same upgrade 9800 Pro > 6800 and it made a very noticable improvement.


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2005
Yeah, I've uninstalled all 9800 pro drivers, done Driver Cleaner, and uninstalled then reinstalled updated versions of my chipset drivers and everything, and still the same thing so far. The first time I ran 3dMark05 I actually forgot to reinstall the chipset drivers, but on CSS at least I'm not noticing any performance increase at all yet. Actually it's about 8-10fps lower in its video stress test in CSS.

I've gotta go now though so I don't have time to try 3dMark again right now.. but I'm pretty sure it'll still be the same thing that I've been getting constantly so far.


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2005
Yeah, I've checked that, too. Fast writes are off and everything.

It just confuses me that I would do everything I'm supposed to do, then the card performs at a decent level, but nowhere near where it should be.

I guess I'll just keep doing random things to try and figure it out, but anyone else's suggestions are greatly appreciated.. random problems like this seem to happen to me all the time, and it's nice to be able to figure them out as soon as possible.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
  • Which 6800? (manufacturer, ddr or ddr3, agp or pcie, etc.)
  • PSU?
  • Flash mobo bios?
  • what vid drivers?
  • stock cooling or aftermarket?
  • any 3rd party OC software installed? Make sure you uninstall it before any driver changes.

edit: forum bullets suck.
