Geforce 3 w/ VIVO versus OEM Radeon 8500


Jul 31, 2001
I am having a philosophical quandry here. I have 250 or so bucks to spend on a video card. I cant get the retail version of the Radeon 8500 for the price I'm looking for, however the slower OEM version is available. The other option is a gainward Geforce3 w/ VIVO and golden pack or whatever. Both cards are 64 megs of DDR. Which one do I go with? I watch some movies on the DVD player, but mostly DIVX ripped movies, and I do my fair share of gaming. Help be decide. Oh yeah, the VIVO feature is nice to have because i like to do some editing, but am willing to sacrafice it if there is a significant reason to go with the radeon 8500. thanks.


Golden Member
Sep 5, 2001
It all depends how much you want the video in port. Heres what you get in return. The 8500 is a bit faster, has better DVD, has dual monitor and tv out. Plus it has a lot of technology behind it the GF3 doesn't.

Both cards are good and blazing fast, I have no use for tv in, just out myself.


Senior member
Jan 24, 2000
i think this questions about ati 8500 vs gf3 -all boils down to your prefrence of what you want to do with your video card.
Both of them are great card, I know coz I have both of them in my system. If you really want to ask this question over and over again--the debate and answer about this -proly will never end. Both cards are excellent performer--admitted ATI initial driver release kindda sucks--but the 3286 driver fixed a lot of probs for most people.