I have an old 8kha - I recently purchased the 8k5a2+
I am used to the old 8kha and its failure to reboot or requiring a "push" to even cold boot on occasion - {no it's not the power supply - I have tried many and am using an Enermax 350} but I like the board and went ahead and bought the new one - the 8k5a but gee more weird things here as with the 8kha.
this unit has its own "peculiarities" -
1- if I allow the bios to do a memory check - it keeps saying "ok" but continues to recycle the memory check and will never complete the boot process.
2-this unit takes longer to reboot on a fresh XP install than the old 8kha -{yes quick boot is enabled} - reboot time is about 1 min 5 sec with virtually no programs in start menu. The old 8kha reboots in 50 secs and it loads a few small programs.
My memory is crucial 2100 - maxtor 7200 ata 100 hard drive.
I am not using Raid and don't intend to but could the long reboot time have something to do with "Raid capable??
Anyone else have same problems - symptoms?? Suggestions?