Gays and guns!


Diamond Member
May 5, 2013

I saw these two at the pride parade yesterday. One of them was screaming, "GAYS AND GUNS!" the other one was yelling, "YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEFEND YOURSELF!" I know they are advocating more relaxed 'concealed-carry', 'open carry' and 'carry everywhere' laws here in California.

Again I honestly can't imagine living in so much fear that I'd feel the need to have such a dangerous weapon with me at all times. They're trying to feed folks' fear and profit from it. Fear and reacting to it (incl. with weapons) reveals our animal side, conquering it makes us human.

Do you think the NRA will get your state to enact these laws, and do you welcome them? Should the country be a patchwork of states with more liberal 'carry' laws and ones without, or should there be one overarching national 'carry everywhere' law like the NRA wants?

Would it feel safer assuming the guy next to you in the movie theater or around your kids at a restaurant is armed? It wouldn't to me.

I noticed that when Georgia politicians enacted their 'carry everywhere' law, they kept it illegal in the State House where they work. Hmmm.
Feb 6, 2007
The irony of claiming that the pro-gun side is clinging to fear while simultaneously arguing that knowing someone near you may be armed makes you feel less safe is just precious.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2004
Would it feel safer assuming the guy next to you in the movie theater or around your kids at a restaurant is armed? It wouldn't to me.

So you think that the people who obey the laws and get CPLs and so forth are the people who use guns to murder people?



Golden Member
Oct 3, 2013
So you think that the people who obey the laws and get CPLs and so forth are the people who use guns to murder people?


I believe he is referring to Po Po's Law. It's what governs our barbaric society in which the population has been acquiesced to via the Koch Bros.


Diamond Member
May 5, 2013
Oh and for the record, this is how I feel about the notion of gay 'pride'.

I never could put 'gay' and 'pride' in my head together. Although I have felt good about the occasional accomplishment, I try not to be a prideful person and at a gay pride parade I find a lot of celebration, lots of children and lots of explicit people and outfits that I would never point my camera at. Considering the four to eight year old kids all around us and in the parade, it didn't compute. With this crowd is pride synonymous with immodesty and/or a lack of humility? There was also lots of public drunkenness (it was 10AM).

I just don't get 'pride' in this way, but I sure do love (most of) a parade!
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Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
I saw this article last year.

Gays and guns seem as likely to go together as Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey. As a culture, even under attack, we are a peaceful lot -- you catch more bees with honey, right?

"Wrong," says Gwendolyn Patton of Pink Pistols, a group that advocates gun ownership for the LGBT community. With taglines like "pick on someone your own caliber," and "armed gays don’t get bashed," Patton says Pink Pistols changes the perception that gay people are easy victims.

"We teach queers to shoot, and then we teach the rest of the world we’ve done it," Patton told WBEZ91.5, a public radio station in Chicago. "Because then they may think twice about using (LGBT people) as a target."

And I don't fear being randomly bashed, myself, unless I happen to be running around in public holding hands and kissing my husband. But many of the Bible belt bigots are hateful like that, and will continue to be like that for decades to come, unfortunately. And I'm not very effeminate, either, so I generally don't feel the need to pack any heat most of the time.
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Senior member
Dec 10, 2013
Pro gun people have nothing against genuine gays, born with the condition.

Pro gun people usually are against gay propaganda to kids under 13 years of age, that brainwashes them into being gay, while otherwise they would be straight.

Pro gun people usually are against chemicals that artificially alter human sexual orientation. Estrogen mimickers such as BPA plastic.

Pro gun people usually also understand that gay propaganda to kids under 13 is actually a weapon hiding under "equality" used by private special interest, and does not help the children at all.
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Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
Pro gun people have nothing against genuine gays, born with the condition.

Pro gun people usually are against gay propaganda to kids under 13 years of age, that brainwashes them into being gay, while otherwise they would be straight.

Pro gun people usually are against chemicals that artificially alter human sexual orientation. Estrogen mimickers such as BPA plastic.

Pro gun people usually also understand that gay propaganda to kids under 13 is actually a weapon hiding under "equality" used by private special interest, and does not help the children at all.

Stewox, I know you are not in the USA, but seriously, you need to educate yourself more before you open your mouth in public sometimes. Your myopic views about gays sound just like the political garbage spouted by Putin, who is a known homophobe and a hateful bigot.

You don't and can't brainwash anyone into being gay. You either are or you are not. All education about gays does is make people aware they don't need to be shamed by social pressures into being unhappy in a sexual relationship they don't like.

I think most people if left to their own devices without outside influences like hypocritical religions that teach bigotry and hatred of what they don't understand, then most people would be actively bisexual, and not claim a hetero or homo sexual label at all.
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Dec 3, 2013
Stewox, I know you are not in the USA, but seriously, you need to educate yourself more before you open your mouth in public sometimes.

You don't and can't brainwash anyone into being gay. You either are or you are not. All education about gays does is make people aware they don't need to be shamed by social pressures into being unhappy in a sexual relationship they don't like.

I think most people if left to their own devices without outside influences like hypocritical religions that teach bigotry and hatred of what they don't understand, then most people would be actively bisexual, and not claim a hetero or homo sexual label.
Stewox is just a twit of course, I have known many gay people for over 20 years that are much cooler than he is.

And no, I'm not gay, my wife might get mad :p

Seems he might be coming a bit to his senses lately a bit more maybe.

Pro gun isn't a racial or sexual thing to begin with.

Or a lot of things.
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Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Pro gun people have nothing against genuine gays, born with the condition.

Pro gun people usually are against gay propaganda to kids under 13 years of age, that brainwashes them into being gay, while otherwise they would be straight.

Pro gun people usually are against chemicals that artificially alter human sexual orientation. Estrogen mimickers such as BPA plastic.

Pro gun people usually also understand that gay propaganda to kids under 13 is actually a weapon hiding under "equality" used by private special interest, and does not help the children at all.

What do Pro gun people think about those who get their entire reality from Infowars?
Feb 6, 2007
Pro gun people have nothing against genuine gays, born with the condition.

Pro gun people usually are against gay propaganda to kids under 13 years of age, that brainwashes them into being gay, while otherwise they would be straight.

Pro gun people usually are against chemicals that artificially alter human sexual orientation. Estrogen mimickers such as BPA plastic.

Pro gun people usually also understand that gay propaganda to kids under 13 is actually a weapon hiding under "equality" used by private special interest, and does not help the children at all.

The only thing that "pro gun people" can universally agree on is that you are crazy and do not speak for them.


Diamond Member
May 5, 2013
I saw this article last year.

And I don't fear being randomly bashed, myself, unless I happen to be running around in public holding hands and kissing my husband. But many of the Bible belt bigots are hateful like that, and will continue to be like that for decades to come, unfortunately. And I'm not very effeminate, either, so I generally don't feel the need to pack any heat most of the time.

Yeah getting bashed is a concern. After I met a guy in a bar on the beach, he wanted to go for a walk to cool down after dancing (I was 22 in '84). We walked outside and around the corner in an alley where he and about six other guys pounced on me with bats and bottles. I survived, but I have a feeling that if I had a gun and tried to use it that I'd be dead now, unless I was John McClane :cool:. As we've seen, escalation can be extremely dangerous.

Our society seems to be calming down generally, but we still have fairly regular, newsworthy mass gun crimes. I just think that guns are so ubiquitous that they can easily get into 'the wrong hands'. It's strange; with no other common product do we try to weed out people who we think won't use it responsibly (unless we're protecting someone's safety, like revoking an elderly person's drivers license), but those other products weren't purposely built for intimidation, fear 'relief' and death.


Diamond Member
May 5, 2013
I think most people if left to their own devices without outside influences like hypocritical religions that teach bigotry and hatred of what
they don't understand, then most people would be actively bisexual, and not claim a hetero or homo sexual label at all.

Two-spirit people (also two spirit or twospirit) is a modern umbrella term used by some indigenous North Americans for gender-
variant individuals within their communities. Non-Native anthropologists have historically used the term berdaches /bərˈdæʃɨz/ for individuals
who fulfill one of many mixed gender roles in First Nations and Native American tribes, but this term has more recently fallen out of favour.
Third and fourth gender roles historically embodied by two-spirit people include performing work and wearing clothing associated with both men and women.
Some tribes consider there to be at least four genders: masculine men, feminine men, masculine women, and feminine women. The presence of male two-spirits
"was a fundamental institution among most tribal peoples."[1] According to Will Roscoe, male and female two-spirits have been "documented in over 130 North
America tribes, in every region of the continent."[2]
Two-spirit individuals are viewed in some tribes as having two identities occupying one body.
Their dress is usually a mixture of traditionally male and traditionally female articles, or they may dress as a man one day, and a woman on another.
According to Sabine Lang many tribes have distinct gender and social roles.[14] Some specific roles sometimes held by male-bodied two-spirits include:

Detail of Dance to the Berdashe, painted by George Catlin
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Senior member
Dec 10, 2013
The only thing that "pro gun people" can universally agree on is that you are crazy and do not speak for them.

You may be the minority. And I did use the word "usually" which means there is a minority and a majority present, or various camps.

If you can read the constitution and understand why 2nd Amendment is important then you should be able to understand the various descriptions of BPA side effects, and we could also say, main effects, because they had hundreds of other combinations of plastic chemicals they could use and they choosed BPA to commercialize it and eventually evolve it into one of industry standards.
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Golden Member
Jul 27, 2010
Pro gun people have nothing against genuine gays, born with the condition.

Pro gun people usually are against gay propaganda to kids under 13 years of age, that brainwashes them into being gay, while otherwise they would be straight.

Pro gun people usually are against chemicals that artificially alter human sexual orientation. Estrogen mimickers such as BPA plastic.

Pro gun people usually also understand that gay propaganda to kids under 13 is actually a weapon hiding under "equality" used by private special interest, and does not help the children at all.

I don't know about you, but every straight person I've met is pretty turned off by the notion of gay sex. I would seriously question the hetrosexuality of anyone who thinks you can be brainwashed into being gay.