I saw these two at the pride parade yesterday. One of them was screaming, "GAYS AND GUNS!" the other one was yelling, "YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEFEND YOURSELF!" I know they are advocating more relaxed 'concealed-carry', 'open carry' and 'carry everywhere' laws here in California.
Again I honestly can't imagine living in so much fear that I'd feel the need to have such a dangerous weapon with me at all times. They're trying to feed folks' fear and profit from it. Fear and reacting to it (incl. with weapons) reveals our animal side, conquering it makes us human.
Do you think the NRA will get your state to enact these laws, and do you welcome them? Should the country be a patchwork of states with more liberal 'carry' laws and ones without, or should there be one overarching national 'carry everywhere' law like the NRA wants?
Would it feel safer assuming the guy next to you in the movie theater or around your kids at a restaurant is armed? It wouldn't to me.
I noticed that when Georgia politicians enacted their 'carry everywhere' law, they kept it illegal in the State House where they work. Hmmm.